Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes



"I'm sorry, Ratchet." Izuku whined, looking down. He listened as his boss sighed, placing a hand on the freckled male's thigh. 

"It's alright. I understand, this job isn't fit for everyone. I'm glad you've found someone, and I wish you luck." The black-haired man shrugged, leaning back. "Man, it's too bad. You were really great for business. But hey- I'll manage." The man chuckled, standing up from the stool. 

Izuku had decided to return home to Japan after he and his father had a fight. It turns out Hisashi Midoriya really wasn't interested in raising Izuku at all. He was a nice man, but not fit for raising a teenager. That's why Izuku had decided to return home, leaving his parent behind. He was better off without him. 

Also, once he and Katsuki had landed in Japana, Midoriya had decided to quit his job at TEASER'S. He didn't need too much money, anymore. Now, he'd be able to pay for his medical classes with his café job. 

He and Katsuki had started dating, before taking the flight back, too. They hadn't done much but kiss and go on a few dates yet but were both quite happy with their current setup. Izuku often stayed with Katsuki during the nights, but the two had never experienced anything sexual together. To be honest, there was a bit of a sexual tension between them, both wanting to experience something new. But Izuku was busy with work and school; still recovering by the situation with his father. Bakugou too, was busy with his job, getting a few new clients every week. 

Midoriya gently pushed open the front door to his apartment, sighing loudly as he plopped down on his sofa. He pulled out his phone, no notification being seen. He had just said goodbye to his ex-coworkers which had been a bit of an emotional wreck. Of course, he was going to see his female friends again, but he was still going to miss them a lot. 

Izuku nervously dialed his boyfriend's number, putting his phone on speaker. He set it down on the table in front of him, hearing it begin to ring. He wasn't sure if the blonde was still working now but he missed him already. He was in need for cuddles after the emotional day he had went through, too.

"Hello? Izuku, is everything okay? How did it go at TEASER's?" 

Bakugou's soothing voice resonated throughout Midoriya's living room. Izuku couldn't help but crack a smile, eyes suddenly becoming a bit heavy. 

"I'm fine, missing you, though. Everything went alright. Ratchet was really accepting and told me I could go over and get a free drink every now and then. Are you off work, yet?" The greenette asked, resting his head on his knees. 

"I just got off. On my way home, now. Why?" The blonde spoke, from the other end of the line. Midoriya sighed shakily, not wanting to bother his partner too much. 

"Can you come over-?" He asked, hesitant. A small pause was heard before Katsuki's voice roamed again. 

"Sure, I'll be over in a few minutes. Was that all?" Bakugou chuckled, making Izuku beam a smile. 

"Yeah." He giggled, hanging up. He knew it wasn't too formal; he could have said a Goodbye, or an I Love You, before hanging up. But he knew his rude action would lead to a conversation, later. Izuku laid back, patiently waiting for his beloved to walk through the door. He was in desperate need of the blonde's touch and only wanted to kiss him roughly. Midoriya began to fidget, the thought of his partner lingering in his mind as he felt a wave of arousal overcome him. He hadn't had much time to himself and hadn't given himself any sexual release in a while. Boners were becoming more regular; his body telling him to take a break and relax. He wanted to masturbate, don't get him wrong. But between the café, university and Katsuki, he had barely had any time for himself. 

Izuku jolted up, hearing his door open. He looked over, a handsome-looking blonde walking into the apartment with a smirk. They smiled at each other before Katsuki spoke up in an irritated yet amused tone. 

"What was that all about? Hanging up on me, like that? Huh? Are you asking for me to break up with you? Bitch." Bakugou teased, his voice high-pitched as he acted like a sassy teenage girl. Izuku giggled, standing up to approach his boyfriend. He immediately wrapped his arms around the blonde, stuffing his face in the crook of Bakugou's neck. His erection painfully rubbed against Katsuki's hips, and he knew the blonde could feel it. But it didn't matter right now. All he wanted was to stay in the blonde's embrace for a little longer. 

"Are you okay? You're acting all sad." Bakugou softly spoke, rocking the smaller male side to side. He pressed a gentle kiss through soft curls, hoping to get an answer. 

"I'm fine. I just missed you." Midoriya tiredly mumbled, inhaling his boyfriend's cologne. He heard the blonde chuckle before answering. 

"Yeah, I feel that." Katsuki teased softly, shifting his hips to aggravate the smaller male's boner. Midoriya whined, pulling away. His face flushed a deep shade of red as he sat down on his couch once more. He'd never been hard around Bakugou before and didn't expect for Katsuki to act so immaturely about it. He simply wanted cuddles and wanted to forget about his aroused member. 

"Deku, come on. I was kidding." Katsuki muttered, joining the greenette on the couch. Izuku sighed, too tired to argue. He leaned to the side, resting his head on the blonde's broad shoulder. He felt the blonde's large arm wrap around his waist, pulling him closer. Midoriya couldn't hide a smile as he closed his eyes, enjoying the silence. His mind wandered off to how they first met. He remembered how creeped out he had been, when Katsuki offered to be his Sugar-Daddy. Turns out, Izuku had just misunderstood him. He found the memory quite funny, especially with the fact that they were now an official couple.

"Kacchan?" Izuku groaned, pulling away from their hug. He met eyes with Katsuki's crimsons, a soft smile appearing on the blonde's face. 

"Yeah?" The blonde responded. Izuku moaned softly, completely exhausted by his day. It was late, and he hadn't eaten since lunch. He was a bit hungry, but only wanted to sleep. 

"Can you stay over tonight, and cook me something good?" The greenette whined, wrapping his hand around Bakugou's. He watched as Katsuki chuckled, standing up. He removed his jacket, nodding softly.  

"Alright, you tired-ass duck-looking bitch." Bakugou chuckled, mocking the impression he had done earlier. Izuku couldn't help but burst out laughing, gently slapping his boyfriend's thigh. 

"Good, you rat-faced small-dicked fuck." Izuku returned, closing his eyes with a smile. He heard Bakugou burst out laughing as he made his way towards the kitchen. 

Most couples didn't treat each-other like this. But Izuku and Katsuki both loved their jokes and how they could have fun together. People might find it strange, but they found it amusing. Exciting and new. They were happy together, and that's all that mattered. Sure, they had only been dating for about a month, but that didn't matter. They still felt much closer, both loving each other's company. They made sure to look out for each other and make sure they were constantly happy. 

They loved each other and that's all that mattered. 


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