Getaway run

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Walking down the street enjoying some old school tunes you look up and immediately stop cause a black car is rushing down the street bout to go off road. Followed by police cars. Another day in Los Angeles. Looks like GTA 5. Not worrying about it you just keep walking. On the way to a gas station to grab a few drinks and snacks.

Out of curiosity you followed the police sirens and saw that the chase was still on. But you thought

'Don't worry about it. It has nothing to do with you'.

So you go home. Once you get there you put all your stuff if and turn on the TV. Steady life right now. Volunteering for construction or car washes to pay off the rent for your apartment. No official job yet but your searching. Wishing you could make 2 mill in the account a year. But we all have dreams. Not wrong to. That evening you go for a stroll down the street and see the same car parked by the convention center towards the back. You go over there and inspect.

Surprised to see a tarantula on and screen. The windows are a little tinted so it wasn't very clear. But it doesn't notice you. Just find it weird. But then an alarm goes off and cops start to come around. You hurry up and run when the thieves are being arrested. Not a good style.

What the hell is going on. Who are these people. The tarantula sees you. Jumps up and runs out the car. Then she's caught. Your just sitting there confused 🫤. You start to run away again and then some else sees you.

Officer: HEY YOU!!!! STOP!!

You: Shit. Damnit I could've just stayed home.

The cop starts to chase you with no remorse. You running terrified that you just came home from a trip and the first thing you do is get arrested falsely.

You: Aye ma'am you got the wrong guy. I was coming around to see what the hell was going on.

Officer: Yeah sure we'll find out the truth down at the station.

You: Damnit.

Your thrown in the back of the truck with the door slammed behind you. Get up and see a wolf, snake, piranha, which I still don't get, a tarantula, and a shark.

Wolf: What the. Who's this guy? What he do?

Snake: I have no clue. Just a bystander at the wrong place wrong time.

You: Damn right. I should've just park my ass at home.

Shark: Sheesh dirty mouth.

You: Well I was raised by a pack of wolves and gang members. No offense there.

Wolf: None taken. Name's wolf.

Snake: Snake.

You: Wait a minute. I assume you all are just named off of the animal that you are. Not being racist.

They all nod their head.


What the hell is going on

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What the hell is going on. What did ya do.

Wolf: we were trying to..

Snake: Wait up. Why are you telling this guy. He might want in and we ain't got the stuff for another member for this crew.

Wolf: Do you really want to know?

You: What else we gonna talk about. The station is an hour away. Which is misleading and poorly set up. Don't you think.

Wolf: Fair point. Alright so...

He gets to explaining then at the end of it they start asking you questions.

Snake: What's your name bud?

You: y/n l/n

Snake: First rule. Never trust anyone with your personal information. It could get bad.

You: dully noted. But what's my name got to do with anything here. What if my name was fake.

Snake: Hmmm... I like this guy.

Tarantula: I don't. He got me in this mess with the rest of ya.

You: No honor amount thieves?

Tarantula: No. it's just that I could've gotten away and helped them escape.

You: You can reach the pedals?

She goes quiet.

Wolf: So where you from if I may ask?

You: (Points you index fingers down) Born and raised. I from the south side of town. Where shit really goes down. All those shoot outs you hear about on the news. That's where that was. People say they'll try to help but not one person showed up. They're scared of going down there. Say one wrong thing and pop. Dead. Do one wrong thing. Pop dead. You really gotta be care of where you might step in those streets. Luxurious people got it real good. Yet they talk the most shit about helping the community yet there are homeless people all over that area. There is not one person in that area I know that hasn't gotten screwed over by some rich prick.

Snake: Wow. That's deep.

Wolf: dang. Is that what you grew up with.

You: basically. Everyone sends their sympathy and regards and nothing changes over there. If we went there right now you'll see what the hell I mean. It wasn't fun but it's what kids grow up with. Folk are too damn focused on their items and riches while kids are roaming the streets robbing people for nickels and dimes. Just to get a meal. Breaking every rule in the Bible just to survive.

Wolf: Apparently everyone has their struggles huh.

Snake: I guess so.

You: I know life's not gonna be perfect. But we shouldn't take advantage of the things we're already given. Cause once they're gone. It's gone.

We get to the station and get out the truck. Your taken to the interrogation room. Looks just like how it does on the movies.

Officer: So what were you doing there in the first place?

You: I was just trying to go for a walk down the street when I saw their car parked in the alley. So like the dumb ass that I am i walkover there and see what's going on. After sightseeing for a few minuets ya come around and see me trying to run away and that's why ya thought i was with them.

Officer: Ok then. So you have absolutely nothing to do with the robbery. It failed obviously.

You: ma'am if I was. You wouldn'tve caught us as easily as you caught them.

Officer: ok then. Your free to go. Just be careful of where your at in night.

You: alright ma'am. Have a good night.

Officer: You too.

You start to walk out when you hear an alarm go off. That woman is relentless. As soon as she heard it she freaked out like a crack head on steroids addicted to nicotine vapes. Outta nowhere another car comes out and they snatched you up and pull you in.

You: What the fuck. I just got outta there.

Wolf: Yeah there's too much you know so your coming with us.

You: Shit.

Snake: Think you can lay low on the words there?

You: Y'all got me into this.

You and the others get to the hideout and unload everything.

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