Hope for the best

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The memories rush back so quickly.

???: (y/n)! Come on. Mom's waiting. We're gonna be late.

You: Ok I'm coming. Few seconds.

Your rushing in your new shoes to get to the car. You hop in with your friend and her mother.

???: Did you kids have fun this weekend?

You: Oh yeah we did. We found some metal dirt holsters.

???: Really? Can I see it.


??? Ok fine. Here.

You friend hands her mother the object you talked about.

???: Where did you get this again?

You: In the park by the house. Why?

???: ....

???: mom? Is everything ok?

???: If you find anything like this again come home immediately. Understand?

Both of you: yes.

Later your dropped off back at your home.

You: Zeus, here boy. I'm home!

Your dog Zeus comes running up to you. Jumps with joy and excitement.

You: You hungry boy?

He jumps off of you and runs to his bowl and sits down. You get up and grab his food to feed him. Putting the food in the bowl you hear a knock at the door. Zeus starts to bark at the door.

You: Calm down boy.

He sits silently.

You: Who is it.

???: Hey boy. I know your there.

You: Mr. Ronald. Hi. I'm coming gimme a second.

You get done feeding the dog and open the door.

Upon seeing him he's holding a bag of food for the two of you.

You two sit in the broken down apartment building and share a good meal. Laughing and kicking it off.

Fast forward 12 years. Your 19.

Ronald: hey kid. Why don't you help me with this shit. I can't lift this damn thing up with my fucked up body.

You: Sure thing mr Ronald.

Ronald: Kid I told you a long time ago. How long have we know each other. Just call me Ronald. Alright?

You: Yeah but it's a habit. Now let's get this shit up.

Lifting a heavy crate from the ground onto the table. Open it with a crowbar. And see some food with cash. This crate was taken from a gang of thieves trying to help the community. Not much but it'll do for now.

Ronald: Sweet holy shit. They hook in us up like it's Christmas. Boy we eatin good tonight.

He starts to shed a tear.

You: Ah come on. Don't like that Ronald. We just survivn out here like everybody else.

Ronald: Lemme tell ya somthn here boy. God may have forsaken this land. But it's the people that he cares fo. Remember that. You know I ain't always gonna be around to help yo scrongy ass right?

You: man I don't think like that right now. We just got all this good shit. Let's get this put up in the cellar.

Ronald: imma stay here. I'm too old to be goin up and down dem staas. Lock the damn door on yo way back ya hear?

You: got it.

You go down and put the goods up. And then hear cars screeching. People shouting. You run up the stairs to see Ronald gunned down to the floor. People searching the area. Then professor marmalade stepped out the truck with a pissed rich guy look. You sit there hidden on the stairs on Ronald's order.

marmalade: Ok so we don't have too much time to waste here so let's do this nice and easy.

They fan out looking for the goods that was stolen from his compound.

Ronald: You rich motha fuckas. All you pricks do is take take and take. Never giving to anyone but the people that you live with.

marmalade: Well I worked hard getting where I am today. You wouldn't know anything about that cause all you do is wonder the streets think that someone is gonna feel sorry you people and give you what you want.

Ronald spits on the ground by his feet.

marmalade orders his guards to pick him up.

marmalade: Now that was rude. I'll have my men teach you some proper manners.

They proceed to beat him. Over and over again. They find nothing.

Guard: Sir we found nothing.

marmalade: Alright then. Let's go. This place is disgusting. I need a good shower when I get home.

They proceed to leave. After they left you run to Ronald. Sitting there in pain he grumbles up and mustars a few words.

Ronald: Like I said... (coughs) pricks.

You: Nonononono. I'll get help.

Ronald: No! Ain't no point. Can't afford to get to get out the damn hospital anyway. Grab my hand kid.

You do so.

Ronald: I've been like yo daddy for a long time now. But this feels more like a good friend ship that anything else. Promise me. That. You'll help these people. These are your family. Your people. We only help each other cause no one else will. They look down on us. Until we stand up. And show what shit really goes on down here. This is where shit gets done the real way. Not that go to school bullshit.

You start to tear up. And in anger you give a hug and yell in grief. As he draws his last breath he whispers
"I love you son"

He drops his hand on the ground. He's gone.

After a few minutes you look up with coldness and hatred in your eyes.

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