Return what was stolen

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Wolf is trying to get a car from a tree. Marmalade is secretly hiding while recording him to get the bad guys a good life for them. It working cause after he rescued the cat, people started to like them. Things were looking good.

Meanwhile you were trying to loose the ghost rider chasing you. So you go back to the hideout that the bad guys hung around at. Once you get there he follows you in.

You: What the hell do you want with me?

???: I must cleanse this world of imposters who wants to be like the rest of us. Who are you?

You turn human.

You: My name is (y/n). And I didn't steal this power from anything. It was given to me in an ancient temple in Mexico.

The ghost rider turns human.

???: Name's Zeek. What temple are you talking about.

You: There was an old temple in mexico. Me and my sister went there to investigate. Little accident happened and I got ran in the chamber and grabbed the artifact and got this.

Zeek: hmm. I was told about that. And sent to take the artifact and bring it back to the boss.

You: Satin?

Zeek: No, Piamon. He made it. Gave it the power of the ghost rider but not actually the spirit of vengeance. So you can technically do as you please with it. Your not controlled in any sort of way. Unless a soul was trapped in there. Was there?

You: I think there was. He says that I want vengeance. That there's a score that needs to be settled. But I tried to give up on that a long time ago.

Zeek: You seek revenge on the powerful.

You: How did you know?

Zeek: I can see the sins and the past of another soul. That's the gift of actual ghost riders. Don't get me wrong your pretty powerful, but you can't control it. That can be dangerous for the ones you care about.

You: How'd you get this power?

Zeek: I was at a gas station with my little brother. These people started shooting up the place. Me and him got out but he got caught in the crossfire. And I got blown by and nearby truck. Then the rider came up and gave it's power to me. I was asking for a savior. And I became the savior. Not like Jesus savior. But just the hero of the day.

You: Marrried, kids?

Zeek: Yeah. Wife and a son. Twins on the way.

You: Nice. So what was with the big chase earlier?

Zeek I needed to ask you some questions. Now I got everything I need. Well almost everything. Imma need that artifact.

You: Why?

Zeek: I need to bring it back to the boss. Or we both get in trouble. Does it mean a lot to you

You: maybe not to me but my sister's really digging into it.

Zeek: Who's your sister?

You: Why would I tell you that? Your a total stranger who didn't give a good first impression.

Zeek: I know but it's only for the job. Don't worry she won't get hurt. That's if she complies.

You: Your not taking her with you are you.

Zeek: No. I just need to artifact like I said a million times. Once I get that I'll be out of your hair.

You: Ok I'll bring it to you.

This is the day where the bad guys get rewarded and celebrated for the change of heart. But you needed to get something before all that started.

You: Diane! You home?!

Diane: Yeah I'm here. What's going what happened last night?

You: No time to explain its a long story. I need the artifact or we're fucked.

Diane: Wait what. Why.

You: Cause I got chased by an actual ghost rider and he needs that thing to bring back to hell to his boss. It's not the devil. Surprisingly.

Diane: Are you sure?

You: Absolutely. And I said that I would give it to him so that he dosent kills us. Most importantly don't kill you. Cause he would.

Diane: Oh. Ok. Well then. Here

She hands it to you.

You: Thank you your a life saver.

Diane: Your welcome, I guess. We I gotta go. Meet you there ok?

You: Ok I'll drop this off and head over there.

You both leave. You head to the hideout. After a few minutes you get there and see him standing there.

Zeek: Thought you wouldn't show up. So you got it?

You: Yeah. I had to convince her to give it to me. Good thing she wasn't super clingy to it

Zeek: Good thing indeed... Alright. Now that we got that out of the way. I got some free time. We got done early.

You: Yeah. So I gotta go to this event downtown. So we're cool.

Zeek: Yeah. You can go I'll just get my shit and head outta here.

You: Ok. Peace out

You leave.

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