3 steps ahead

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You get back after your walk. And begins to gear up

 And begins to gear up

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This is it. Steal the meteorite and return it to the cops. Shouldn't be that hard right.

Nope. Had it fuck it up. Then marmalade came out and revealed how he knew we'd be here. Found out that Diane was the crimson paw. And still wondered who you were. Cause you were the only one that wore an actual mask.

Marmalade: Ah we got mr wolf. And the governor. And who is this we have here. Partners eh. Well I have I partner of my own.

Then mr snake comes up from the corner.

Wolf: Snake?

You don't say anything. He has this mind control devise and uses it to steal and rob banks all at once. It's very strange for others. Seeing a bunch of genuine pigs stealing money.
He confesses that all the marmalade wanted was money. And that it was good for him. And only him. Dosent really care for those below him.

You: Last time I checked who was the one looking up and who was the one looking down.

Snake: I know that voice.

Diane: (y/n) Stop. Your gonna get us killed.

You: Not the first time.

Wolf: well it is for us.

Marmalade: Wait. (Y/n). That name rings a bell. Oh well dosent matter. Your all gonna be out of the picture in a minute. Marmalade and snake leave. A door opens up in the ground and it's a trap door. Made to kill you in an instant. But then a gas appears and Diane tells you to hold your breath. Turns out wolf knew who it was.

Wolf: Wait. That's not poison. Thats piranha.

Then they jump out the vent and into the vault. And they had wolf's car as well. So you have a quick getaway. You guys make it out but have to reroute the trucks with the money. So Diane and tarantula went out to put gps trackers to mess up the system and reroute them. Now all you need to do is return the meteorite. Once he was almost there wolf stopped cause snake wasn't there. They stopped for a minute then drove off to get snake. He was in the helicopter with marmalade and they were going back and forth until marmalade kicked snake off the helicopter.

Everyone was freaking out and wolf tried to jump out to save him but you grabbed him and told everyone to hold on. You turn into the ghost rider and pull out chains from your hands. Whip them around the foot of the helicopter and the car. Call of the cliff to catch snake.

You: Ready?

Everyone shakes their head no.

You: good!! Wolf catch him!!

He grabs snake. The helicopter shakes off a little but manages to get steady. Marmalade is pissed so he tries to cut the chain off. But it's too strong to even leave a scratch.

Wolf: I didn't know you could do that.

You: that makes two of us.

Shark: How did you just do that.

You: No time to explain. We gotta get back up there.

You loosen the chain from the helicopter and whip it onto the street.

You pull the car up from the cliff and onto safety.

Upon rising on the the street Diane sees you and wolf and runs to hug you and him. The this happens

Chief: What about him? Isn't he a danger to everyone like that. Who is this.

Wolf: He saved our tails. He had nothing to do with this to begin with.

Snake: yeah. He really pulled through. I always had a good feeling about you.

You nod your head in agreement. But when you turn to see the helicopter with marmalade in it you get angry. He lands and everyone sees that he's the one returning the meteorite. Which turns out to be fake. Thanks to snake. The bad guys turns themselves in. And serve their time in prison. And marmalade is going away for something he didn't do. Karma is a bitch.
And that's where we end our story. Hope you enjoyed it.

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