Chapter 4:

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I tighten the gun holster on my thigh and slip my polished gun into it.

I look down at my skin tight black suit. It's breathable and I can move comfortably in it. It came with a matching pair of army boots.

I make sure I haven't forgotten anything before I head to the garage.

Three black Range Rovers are parked side by side.

Christianto walks over to me, his eyes analysing me.

Everyone's ready and equipped for this mission, and they start getting into the cars.

I get into one and see Julia and Pablo already sitting in there so Christianto and I sit opposite them.

The garage doors open and we leave.

'You're equipment is already positioned on the roof of the opposite building.' Julia tells me.

I nod and start bouncing my knee.

Christianto puts a hand on it reassuringly and moves his thumb across it.

I'm positioned behind the gun and I take a look through the lens. I can see a bunch of people in this cafe but no Demon man yet.

'We've given you some space, but the building is surrounded.' Dominico says through my earpiece.

'Thanks,' I reply.

'You can do this, just don't think about messing up.' He says. 'Julia and I will be leading you the entire way.'

I don't move from behind the gun, waiting for my perfect moment.

The Demon man comes into my eye view.

'Not yet.' Dominico says.

I take a deep breath and steady my shaking hands. The wind blows through my hair.

The man doesn't stop moving, and he looks around suspiciously.

He finally sits down and I realise that this is the five minute window opening.

'Get ready,' Dominico says.

I cock the gun and close one eye, looking through the lens.

The man kneels down and I wait for him to come back up.

When he does he's holding a baby girl, with blonde hair.

'Shoot now.' Dominico demands.

'I can't,' I reply.

'Dilara we do not have time to waste shoot him now!' He booms through my earpiece.

There's a child.

At that moment a woman with blonde hair walks up to the man and takes her baby from him.

She laughs a little with him, before turning around.

My heart drops.

It can't be.


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