Chapter 24:

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'Vittoria's going to kill us all.' A voice says.

'You should've never let her in,' This voice is deeper than the last.

I open my eyes and see Terzo, Zoya, Alora, Xuan, Lorenzo, Amira, Matteo, Mimi and Alessandro all crowding around my bed.

'She's awake,' Terzo announces earning a glare from Zoya.

Adriano is sitting next to me on the bed and I Grab the gun from his waist and and point it at the people in front of me.

The immediately take out their guns and point them at me.

I have 9 guns pointed at me, I'm sure I can take them.

'Put the gun down, you're not in the right state to fight us all.' Adriano says.

His hand goes to mine and slowly starts lowering the gun.

'I may not be able to take all of you, but I sure as hell can kill your leader.' I snarl, turning to him.

The barrel of a gun is pressed against my head.

'Put the fucking gun down.' Matteo says pressing it into my head harder.

'Why am I here?' I do as he says.

'You showed up on my doorstep last night, barely alive.' Mimi explains.

We make eye contact with each other and she doesn't smile.

'What we want to know is who did this to you.' Adriano explains.

'What you want to know.' Alessandro corrects 'I couldn't give a fuck if the bitch dies or not.'

Mimi's face scrunches up and her husband leads her out of the room.


I narrow my eyes.

I remember running for my life last night, jumping from rooftop to rooftop all while being shot at.

I was banging on doors and no one would let me in, no one except Adriano.

'If I told you, you wouldn't believe me.' I reply, laying back down, trying to go back to sleep.

'Get your ass up cause we have questions.' Adriano snaps.

It's obvious his patience is growing thinner by the minute.

'I'll think about it,' I close my eyes.

Another gun is pressed to my forehead but this time Adriano is on the other end.

'Up. Now.' He snaps.

Amira and Lorenzo come over and help me out of bed.

'That's a nice colour on you.' I say, referring to he light blue hijab.

'Thanks.' She says stiffly.

I'm taken to the living room and sit on the couch.

I take a deep breath and begin.

'Who was shooting at you?' Adriano asks.

'Your mother,' I reply. 'And my grandfather.'

I'm not sure what they expected my answer to be but I'm sure it wasn't that.

'Why would he want to kill you?' Xuan asks, narrowing his eyes.

'Because I overheard their conversation.' I reply, my eyes land on Adriano. 'This wouldn't be the first time I've heard them talking to each other.'

He avoids meeting my eyes at all costs.

'What did you hear that made them want to kill you?' Zoya asks.

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