Chapter 37:

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Alessandro unlocks the door to his house and we all step into absolute chaos.

Jasmine runs up to Matteo and jumps on him. He picks her up and gives her a confused look.

'Don't just stand there, get them to calm down!' Mimi yells.

Alessandro rushes over to help his wife hide the alcohol bottles.

I look at Lorenzo, Terzo and Xuan who all have the same confused expression on their faces.

'Alora leave the TV alone!' Xuan says going to her.

Zoya trips over the couch and Terzo rushes to her side.

'Adriano you're back!' Dilara slurs, stumbling towards me.

She trips over and falls into my arms. I notice she's wearing the hoodie I was looking for last night.

'You look nice,' I smirk.

'Sorry about your hoodie, you can have it back now.' She hiccups.

'No its fi-' I start.

Dilara tugs the hoodie over her head and I see that she's just wearing a black lace bra underneath it.

I keep my eyes on her face.

'Matteo is your neck hurting you, cause I don't know why you're looking over here.' I snap.

He goes red and continues dealing with Jasmine.

'Pazza, but the hoodie back on.' I say.

'No, but it's yours, I don't want you to loose a piece of clothing.' She slurs.

'You can keep it,' I say, just trying to get her to put it back on.

'Wow, you're so sweet,' she whispers.

I notice her bandage on her wrist is loose and looks as if it's going to slip off.

I reach towards it but she snatches her arm back.

'Not today mister.' She huffs, crossing her arms.

'Dilara, I think it's time for bed.' I say.

'Yeah, my head hurts,' she groans into my chest.

'She'll be fine with me,' I reassure Mimi.

She smiles at me and tries to help Alora up the stairs.

I take Dilara to her bedroom and close the door behind us.

'I'm bored,' she mutters, fiddling with her leggings. She suddenly takes them off and I look up at the ceiling.

The room has a nice ceiling, and a nice light bulb.

She walks towards me and my hoodie brushes her mid thighs.

'How about we play a game,' she smirks.

I cross my arms and look down at her.

'I don't think that's a smart idea.' I reply.

'Please,' she whines. 'I'm bored, play with me.' She looks up at me with her beautiful brown eyes.

This is drunk Dilara talking and I'm not about to take advantage of her.

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