Chapter 25:

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'You can't leave,' I say following Dilara to the living room. 'Someone out there wants to kill you so your best bet is staying here.'

'Someone like your mother.' I snarl.

'If she says that shit again I'm going to shoot her.' Alessandro snarls.

'Language.' Mimi warns nodding towards Rory.

'I'll stay,' Dilara says. 'But I'm only staying for Mimi.' She gives her a small smile which Mimi returns.

I grab Alessandro's arm and lead him to the kitchen.

'She told us D.D's full name.' I say to him.

'What?' He asks.

'The real leader of the Ravens is Dominico De'Bardi.' I reply. 'I don't think she would've told us that if she were lying.'

'Don't tell me you believe that bullshit story?' He raises his voice.

'I'm not, but if other things come to light we may need to give her story a shot.' I reply.

Her story makes a little sense. Alessandro and I were raised in complete different ways. Vittoria would want to separate us, she would push us both to our limits but she would treat me more like her son than She did for Alessandro and Matteo.

She even tried to get Alessandro and I to fight each other whenever she could, she always wanted us against each other.

'I need to find out more about what she heard and then we can make a decision.' Alessandro says.

He knows exactly what I'm thinking.

We go back to Dilara and sit on the couch.

'Tell us everything.' Alessandro says.

Mimi hands her and glass of water and beckons her on, encouragingly.

'Two years ago, a couple months after I left I got a visit from Mimi.' Dilara explains. Mimi puts a reassuring hand on her knee and she continues.

'I asked how she got there and she told me that she followed Vittoria here.' She says. 'She told me that there was something wrong with her.'

'You didn't tell me?' Alessandro looks at his wife.

'I was scared, and I lost my best friend.' She says. 'I would've been killed if Vittoria found out.'

'A couple weeks ago I spotted Vittoria at my base and overheard her taking about a deal she made with Dominico twenty years ago.' Dilara adds.

She looks my way.

'I would've been two and Alessandro four when the deal was made.' I say.

'Then, last night I overheard more.' She says.

I look at her and her honey eyes travel my face.

'Are you sure you want to hear about it?' She asks.

I nod in reply, not trusting myself enough to speak.

'Vittoria fell in love with your father but he didn't love her. He loved someone from Dominico's mafia.' she explains. 'jealousy overtook her and it for worse when your father's girlfriend got pregnant with you.'

Alessandro and I look at each other and beckon for Dilara to continue.

'At the time Vittoria already gave birth to Alessandro from another man.' She says. 'Vittoria went to Dominico for help and he said he'll help her.'

Dilara pauses and continues.

'He told her to wait two years and then take revenge, two years later Vittoria kills both Adriano's parents and guilt takes over her And she takes Adriano in.'

I want Dilara to continue but she doesn't.

We sit in silence, while we all process this information.

Vittoria killed my parents because my father didn't love her. Dominico helped her and somehow Dilara is tied to all of this.

'How can we prove this?' Mimi asks.

'DNA test,' Dilara shrugs. 'Or speak to someone she knows and trusts.'

'How did you get caught?' Alessandro asks.

He looks at me with a painful expression, but nothings confirmed until we take the DNA test.

'Christianto ratted me out.' Dilara replies looking down.

My hands turn into a fist and I clench my jaw.

'Remember that psycho girl who chased you in the forest?' Mimi asks.

Dilara nods.

'We could ask her about Vittoria.' Mimi suggests. 'She looks old enough to now about the situation.'

'That's an amazing idea,' Dilara says. 'But she's in prison.'

'Then I guess we're breaking her out.' I sigh.

'Are you insane!' Alessandro exclaims.

'Don't you want to know the truth?' I ask.

Alessandro nods.

'You guys are going to be the death of me.' He sighs.

Someone knocks on the door and Mimi gets up and opens the door.

Fouzia walks in.

'Adriano, about the last conversation we had-' she starts.

Dilara stiffens next to me and Fouzia takes her in.

'What is she doing here?' She asks.

'This is my best friend's house.' Dilara snarls.

'Ex-best friend, you betrayed her.' Fouzia says, crossing her arms.

'She's more welcome in my house than you are.' Mimi snarls.

Rory plays with a pillow on the couch next to me, oblivious to what's happening around her.

Sometimes I catch her staring at Dilara with so much curiosity.

Dilara takes the gun out of my belt and points it at Fouzia.

'You need to stop doing that.' I mutter.

Alessandro and I stand up and the same time when Fouzia takes out her gun.

'Dilara you can't kill her, she's my wife.' I place my hand on her back.

She looks at me and her face falters for a second before her eyes go to the ring on Fouzia's hand.

Alessandro wrestles the gun of Fouzia.

Dilara shoots her thigh and hands me the gun reluctantly.

'That's just because I wanted to be petty.' She snaps.

Fouzia is on the floor, her thigh bleeding.

'Mimi can you go clean her up?' I ask.

Mimi nods and her and Alessandro take Fouzia away.

I glance at the bandage on Dilara's arm and look back at her.

She's staring at me with so much hatred in her eyes.

'What happened there?' I ask.

'None of your business.' She snaps. 'I think you should take care of your wife.'

I hope you're all enjoying the story
Have a nice day!

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