Chapter 57:

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'You know I can get that myself.' Dilara says as I place a tub of chocolate chip ice cream infront of her.

'I know, but I don't want you doing so much.' I come behind her and place a spoon on the table.
She laughs and starts digging into the ice cream.

I wrap my arms around her waist and put my head in her neck.

'I don't want my girls getting tired.' I smile.

'Your girls?' She raises an eyebrow and gives me a spoonful of ice cream. 'What makes you think it's going to be a girl?'

'Just a gut feeling.' I kiss her neck and she turns around and faces me.

I pull Dilara closer to me and she wraps her arms around my neck.

'I have a feeling it's going to be a boy.' She says. My eyes dart down to her lips and I'm filled with that familiar warm feeling I get whenever I'm around her.

'Adriano?' She mumbles.

'Yeah?' I reply.

'Do you really think I'm protected?' She asks. 'Do we really get a break from this?'

'Yeah, Vittoria has no power to change the rules.' I say. 'And I will always be here to protect you.'

She smiles at me, those hazel brown eyes of her drawing me in.

I press my lips to hers and trace my tongue against her bottom lip, begging for entry. I press her against the counter, earning a gasp.

I slip my tongue into her mouth and she moans quietly. Her hands slip up my shirt, tracing along my abs and I pull her closer to me.

'Sono ossessionata da te' I mumble against her lips.

Translation: I am obsessed with you

'Do you want anything?' A voice calls out. 'I'm going to the kitchen.'

Dilara tries to move away from me but I cage her in as our tongues fight from dominance. I pick her up and place her on the table, her legs wrapping around my waist. She starts tugging on my shirt, before she rips it off me.

I pull her closer, my hands pressing on her thighs.

'I am now never returning to the kitchen.' We turn to see Lorenzo in the door way. 'Come on guys,'

'Sorry,' Dilara laughs.

'I'm not sorry,' I smirk, my eyes on the woman in front of me.

She looks at me and moves my face to focus on the traumatised Lorenzo.

'At least you weren't doing anything else.' Lorenzo cautiously walks to the fridge.

'You're lucky you walked when you did,' I say.

'Too much info for my liking.' Lorenzo takes a gulp of water.

Amira walks into the kitchen followed by Alessandro and Mimi.

'Oh my god put on a shirt!' Amira exclaims, covering her eyes.

'I agree that shit is traumatising.' Alessandro replies.

'Get It Dilara!' Mimi exclaims and Alessandro raises an eyebrow.

Dilara hands me my shirt and I put it back on, disconnecting our bodies.

'We have a child walking around the house.' Amira sighs.

'We don't need Rory traumatised by you horny weirdos.' Lorenzo laughs. 'I cannot unsee this.'

'No offence Dilara,' Lorenzo says. 'Mostly directed to Mr boyfriend over here.'

Dilara continues eating her ice cream and Terzo and Xuan walk into the room.

'Has anyone realised that Alora is acting a bit weird?' Terzo asks.

'She's been keeping to herself lately.' Amira shrugs.

'She was acting a bit weird at the funeral and when I told you guys about my pregnancy.' Dilara replies.

'Maybe it's because of Zoya being MIA.' Xuan shrugs.

'Isn't it suspicious?' I ask, making everyone look my way.

'Zoya disappears and now Alora is acting weird.' I shrug. 'It's possible they could be the traitors.'

'No.' Terzo and Xuan both say at the same time.

'You guys know Zoya never wanted anything to do with the mafia.' Terzo says. 'She wouldn't.'

'She had nothing against me.' Dilara says, putting a hand on my arm. 'It's not her.'

'That doesn't mean it's not Alora.' I say, narrowing my eyes.

'It's not her.' Xuan says.

'How do you know that?' Mimi asks.
Xuan is silent.

'You all know how much shit she gave me for betraying you guys.' Xuan says, looking at Dilara. 'You know she wouldn't.'

'We don't know anything.' Lorenzo says. Amira puts a hand on his arm, her eyes telling his to leave it.

'Just because she's let you fuck her a couple times doesn't mean she's trustworthy.' I snap.

'What did you say?' Xuan, his eyes narrowing.

'You heard me.' I reply, lowering my voice.

'And how do we know you're not the traitor?' Xuan asks and I scoff. 'Or how do we know it's not Fouzia?'

'Fouzia knows I'll kill her if she opens her mouth.' Dilara answers.

That's my girl.

'It could be Mimi,' Xuan says. Terzo rubs his head. 'Her best friend ditches her for two years and suddenly comes back?'

'Are you fucking serious?' Dilara snaps.

'Back off.' Alessandro snarls, shoving him.

'Guys this isn't getting us anywhere.' Amira snaps. 'Stop being annoying.'

'Where is your amazing Alora anyway?' Terzo asks.

'She's sleeping.' Xuan snaps. 'And what about Zoya, I don't see her around.'

'It's not her.' Terzo narrows his eyes.

'You have just as much proof that it's her than I have of it being Alora.' He snarls. 'Dont point fingers unless you have the facts to back it up.'

Xuan and Terzo leave the kitchen, both going to either sides of the house.

Amira look around to us helplessly.

'I'm not apologising.' I say. 'He can go to hell.'

'It seems like we can't even mention the traitor without someone getting upset.' Dilara says.

'We're never going to be able to figure it out.' Lorenzo says.

'I think it's Xuan,' I shrug and Dilara glares at me.

Istg I love my active era 😍
I hope you're all enjoying the book!
Have a nice day!

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