Cover Reveal

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Hi Guys! I thought I'd publish the cover of my story Morally Grey!

Story Description:
My wedding day. The happiest day of my life, right? Wrong.

I made it this far so why is it so hard to force these words out of my mouth? These two words which will tie me to him forever. I didn't choose him, he didn't choose me but with these two words, we are bound to each other for life.

I tremble. He notices.

He leans down and I suck in a breath, accidentally taking in his scent and regretting it immediately. His lips stop just above my ear and I can feel his breath on my cheek. I still completely. "Two words and you become the queen of this city. You take shit from no one. You bow down to no one." He pauses and I hold my breathe. "Well, no one but me," he chuckles and then stands back up to his full height.

I hate him. With every fibre of my being, I wish I could turn around and walk out of here. He holds my freedom in his hands and I have no choice but to obey.

My mouth feels dry but I force myself to speak, knowing I'm committing myself to a lifetime by his side.

"I do."

And with that, I give in. The devil's wife. How lucky am I?

Morally Grey (Grey Morals #1)Where stories live. Discover now