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He's too close and I can't think straight. His words are harsh but his hands move with care. The party is long forgotten and here, in this hallway, I can barely hear the music. It's just us.

I don't dare move as his fingers travel the planes of my face. The evening so far has been such a whirlwind. Starting with me coming here in the first place, and ending with Kian behaving like a caveman and carrying me out of the party like he did.

He speaks to me like I'm an inconvenience. Like I'm a thorn in his side who was created with the sole purpose of being a nuisance to him. I don't understand him.

"Kian," my voice is a whisper, barely audible and I hate that it gives away how affected I am by his closeness to my body.

"Shhhh," his breath fans my face and I close my eyes. I can't think when he's like this.

We have one moment. Everything stills, all sounds fade and it's only us. His hands, his breath, his body engulfing me. Then, there's chaos.

His lips touch mine. Softly, but only for a moment. And then he devours me. Kian's chaos becomes mine and his hands which were only moments ago caressing my face softly, now grip me with intent.

He doesn't hold anything back. But I do.

I manage to break from the kiss just enough to speak two words. "Kian, no."

One hand splayed against my waist, whilst the other is tangled in my hair. He swallows my plea with another kiss. And I finally give as much as he takes.

"That fucking dress," he growls, breaking away from my mouth momentarily. Kian bites my lip, angry at me.

"Taunting everyone in there." He kisses me again, his hands holding me in place as his body presses against me. I can feel him everywhere.

"My dress?" I question shakily, his mouth moving lower and making a path to my neck. It's sinful how skilled he is. He sucks on my neck, and I can feel him capture my pulse with his teeth. He growls again and I feel it in my core.

"It's fucking see-through Bells." His lips barely leave my neck to speak and I feel each word spoken against my skin.

I shudder. "I- I can wear what I want. I don't answer to you."

"Mmmm," Kian is unphased by my words and continues his assault on my neck. He's trying to distract me and he knows it. He sucks on my neck, almost to a point of pain, before soothing it with his tongue. I'm in heaven and hell simultaneously.

My arms pull Kian closer and we're so close, it's like I inhale each breath as he exhales. He's put me in a trance, and I crave his lips on me.

"...You never fucking listen," he murmurs almost to himself, before gripping my waist roughly and hoisting me up. It's like he's remembering each thing that made him angry and then taking it out on me as he's reminded of it. My legs instinctively wrap around Kian, bringing him that much closer. Luckily, the wall is supporting some of my weight so my hands can roam freely. Sick of his torture on my neck, I run my hands through his hair, pulling him away so I can kiss him properly once again.

We're not gentle with each other and it's the exact opposite of everything I've ever experienced with other guys. Our hands move frantically, almost clawing at each other. It's undignified how much I want his hands on my bare skin.

My own hands have a mind of their own, unbuttoning the first few buttons of his shirt. We part briefly so Kian can reposition us, with his leg wedged between mine so I'm almost straddling it. The sensation of having pressure on that particular area, has me on fire.

Morally Grey (Grey Morals #1)Where stories live. Discover now