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I didn't realise how grand this event was going to be until I stepped into the hall. Now I understand why Clover made such a fuss over making an effort to look glamourous. In terms of being Kian's date for the evening, I haven't had to do much besides from smile and introduce myself to board members. Kian seems to be very particular about who he chooses to speak with, keeping conversations very short with the few people who dare approach him. Most stay clear and I'm assuming it's because of his reputation.

I break away from Kian to use the restroom, returning to see that he is no longer chatting with the same person as he was before. I scan the room for him, expecting him to stand out being as tall and brooding as he is but I'm clearly not tall enough to see through the masses of people.

The band which had been playing soft, background music seem to have amped up because the area in front of the stage is now being used as a dancefloor and quite a few people have gathered to dance. I spend a few more moments scouring the room but decide it might be best to text Kian rather than waste time looking for him.

"He's by the bar," a deep voice to my right says. I turn to see Chief, the guy I was asking Kian about earlier, standing next to me. "Got accosted by some lady talking a mile a minute."

"I thought you'd have left by now," the words fall out my mouth before I realise that he has no idea that Kian and I were talking about him earlier. "Sorry, err, I had noticed you earlier standing by yourself and asked Kian what your deal was. He said he'd give it half an hour before you bailed but you're still here."

Chief grunts, not bothering to verbally respond.

"Sooo..." I say, curious to know more. "Why are you still here?" Chief side-eyes me, choosing not to engage in further conversation but I deliberately don't take the hint. I stand by him in silence, not at all uncomfortable. There's something about him which draws me in and it's weird to say but I almost feel a brotherly protectiveness to make sure he is okay. We both watch the gala from the side-lines for a few minutes.

I sneak a look at Chief and notice his attention remains hovering over one particular area of the room. His face is a mask, giving nothing away despite the fact that he must notice my eyes on him. I follow his gaze, wanting to learn more and see what has his attention. There's a group of girls chatting animatedly with each other. I wonder which one has his caught his eye?

"Which one?" I ask, smiling.


"C'mon Chief. Which one has your attention?" To his surprise, I nudge him playfully. I'm guessing not many dare touch the guy hired to protect the rich and famous. Chief grunts, not playing ball.

"Ughh, you're no fun. Let me guess: the chatty one in the scarlet dress?" I take a stab at the most obvious option.


"So it is a girl?!" I gasp excitedly.

"I'm not having this conversation with you, Isabella." Chief states.

"You know who I am?"

"Of course, you're the soon to be fiancée of my client. Who do you think ran the background check?" He almost seems offended and I can't help but laugh. We stay watching the same group of girls and I see Kian approach them. He speaks to the one in the scarlett dress, the girl hugging him fondly. I'm surprised when Kian begrudgingly hugs her back, my eyebrows raising involuntarily.

"The sister," Chief states and I realise the woman is Kian's sister, Lisa. As the two walk over to us, I feel silly for not noticing the resemblance straight away. She has the same skin tone and dark hair, not to mention she looks like their mother.

Morally Grey (Grey Morals #1)Where stories live. Discover now