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She's so stubborn and I clearly can't help myself. I growl, not really knowing what has come over me, but also not caring enough to stop it in this very moment.

I didn't intend to kiss Isabella. I didn't even intend to get close enough to be in her personal space but here I am. She's not kissing me back but it's not because she doesn't want to. That, I know for sure.

I surprised myself when I went in with a soft kiss. I'm not selfish, but I'm a take what you want kind of guy and that doesn't usually leave time for gentle touches or kisses.

I knew she wanted it when she leaned in but I stopped her, wanting to toy with her slightly. Jokes on me because she's got me desperate now.

I growl once more, doing what I should have done in the first place which is to give it how I like it. I bite her lip and she gasps, finally allowing me entry to her mouth. Jackpot.

She still doesn't give in but when my tongue sweeps into her mouth, her resolve finally breaks. Finally.

Isabella responds to my kiss and then some. She matches my rhythm, giving me exactly what I need. We're messy and angry and I like it a lot. Her hands reach up, gripping my shirt tightly as she pulls me closer. I nearly lose my balance when the girl bites me right back, sucking on my lip and causing a sound from my chest which sounds a lot like a moan. Christ, Kian. Keep it together.

I'm so lost in Bells that I don't hear the sounds of the elevator reaching our floor. I don't even hear the door open or the footsteps that follow until Isabella startles and pushes back from me suddenly.

We're both panting, our clothes crumpled but still very clearly on our bodies. A shame if you ask me.

I take a deep breath, putting myself back together mentally before turning around to face whoever interupted us. I make sure to cover Isabella so she's directly behind me, partially hidden from the intruder to give her a moment to collect herself too.

"I told you I heard someone dear," my mum says to my father as they round the corner. "Kian, I thought I told you not to work so much on the weeken- oh!" My mother stops in her tracks when she sees I'm not alone.

My father, the more oblivious out of the two, is on his phone and doesn't even notice us until my mum stops midsentence.

She quickly recovers, walking over to us both and embraces Isabella like a long lost friend. Isabella looks like a deer caught in headlights but manages a smile and returns the embrace, albeit a bit more hesitantly.

"Oh, how lovely is this?" Mum gushes. "It's such a great surprise to see you again Isabella, we didn't know you two were so close!"

I can already see the cogs turning in mum's head, thinking ahead and probably naming our first children. If my dad doesn't stop her now, we'll all be stuck here until the evening.

"Why don't we leave these two to it? We do have those dinner reservations to get to..." My dad attempts to divert my mum even putting an arm around her to try to usher her in the opposite direction.

"Don't be silly, we can eat there any time," my mum shrugs off my dad's arm with a twinkle in her eyes and I know there's no way out of this for us now.

"In fact, why don't we all go to dinner? Isabella you must join us!" My mother doesn't give Bells a chance to answer and takes her arm, chatting away excitedly as they walk towards the lifts. Isabella turns back towards me, a silent gesture for help but I merely shrug because I know when to concede and my mother is one person I definitely don't want to upset.

My father shakes his head, walking towards his office which is situated on the other side of the office floor. I follow, knowing that he's holding back from saying something with that gesture.

"You better know what you're doing son," he states and I know he must recognise my intent with Isabella. "She's an innocent girl and you're going to use her to get what you want."

"It's not like that," I tell him.

"I don't see how this will end well at all."

"She's agreed to it." I forget to mention that I didn't really give her a choice in the matter.

"She doesn't know what she's getting herself in for. I know you're selling her a dream but what happens when you two go public? Is she prepared for what it's like being one of us?"

Dad is pressing me for answers but the truth is that he doesn't understand how the board perceives me. He assumes I will get the company because I'm his son but I've done my own research. They want an external hire to take over. Micah Sloane. He can't get the company I've worked so hard for. I won't let it happen.

"I will make sure she's prepared," I respond to my father with words that I know won't appease him. He doesn't push me further and I'm grateful because we're both too stubborn to back down if it came to a head.

Dad finds the file he was searching for and we both make our way to the lobby to meet my mum and Isabella who must be waiting for us. Neither of us speak as we make our way down but just before I go to step out of the lift, my father makes one last comment. "Your mother can't know, it will devastate her."


Morally Grey (Grey Morals #1)Where stories live. Discover now