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I'm about half the way to Isabella's house when I get the first notification. I get the second one a few moments later, and by the time I'm at the next stop light, my phone is buzzing.

I quickly glance down at my phone and see that I'm being tagged in posts on Instagram. I've made an active effort to stay out of the limelight so what has gotten people so riled up?

A quick scroll through my notifications and I see that it's not me who's getting attention but Isabella. Not only that, but she's gone to a charity auction event which has a reputation for turning into a huge party.

I stare at the offending picture of her and Clover and my blood boils. I told her to stay put. I told her that I was going to meet her at seven. What kind of game is she playing?

As soon as the light turns green, I make a quick U-turn and head in the direction of the party. Having been there in previous years and ending up in compromising pictures myself, I know exactly where it's held. I need to get Isabella out of there as soon as possible because this is exactly the image problem I was trying to avoid.

Bells is new to my world and the people here will always be out to get her. Being attached to me makes her powerful but it also means that there will always be a lot of enemies wanting to see her make a fool of herself. I don't doubt that some of those people have nothing better to do than go to parties like this one and try to stir up trouble.

I put my foot down on the gas and speed up. Even though I know she's not one to draw attention to herself and cause a scene, I can't help but worry who she's been talking to and what she's been saying. I dug up enough information on her to know she fits the profile I want in a partner but that doesn't mean her lips won't loosen with people plying her with drinks. I need to get there now so I can control the narrative and situation.

Fuck. I slam my hands on the steering wheel, thinking of all the ways this could turn my plan upside down. One thing said to the wrong person, one picture taken which looks a certain way and this will all be for nothing. How can Isabella be so stupid? Didn't I already warn her?

I pull up to the venue and of course, there's people milling the street everywhere and a line of parked cars trying to access the parking service. I practically mount the sidewalk and almost knock over someone's potted plants as I put my car into park. I don't have time to wait in the queue for parking attendants and I certainly don't want to be noticed by anyone either.

I'm trying to navigate my way through the people trying to access the event and finally get to security who recognise me and let me in straight away. If I thought that there would be less people once I'm on the property, I'm sorely mistaken. It seems like half the city has been allowed in here and they're all drunk off their nuts.

My phone begins vibrating in my pocket, this time a call rather than a slew of notifications. I'm about to ignore it but realise it might be Isabella calling so pull it out of my pocket to see the caller ID.


"It better be important," is my gruff greeting.

"You're new fiancée is trending," is his response. Always straight to the point with Chief.

"I'm aware."

"Then you know she's looking pretty cosy with a certain businessman," Chief states.

"What?" I must have not heard Chief correctly. There is no way Isabella would be getting close and personal with anyone else. There's too much on the line.

"Micah is here. He's found your girl."

Red. I see red.

That bastard. I knew he was slimy but even this is a stretch for him. Getting close to my girl when he's already trying to get his hands on my company.

Morally Grey (Grey Morals #1)Where stories live. Discover now