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Just under an hour later and I am walking into one of the largest homes I've seen in my life. I smile to myself as I check the time and see that it is ten minutes to seven. Kian is going to have a lovely surprise when no one opens the door for him at seven.

I was surprised that Clover invited me out after having met me only once before, and even more surprised at the fact that the party she was at is raging at an early six in the evening. As I walk around the open plan downstairs area, I realise why. Decorations and banners advertising a charity auction are half fallen from the walls. I remember reading on an entertainment news site about the yearly fundraising event with the biggest names which turns into a huge rager once the charity component is over with. I guess this is that party.

I message Clover to ask where she is but hear her a moment later. She gives me a tight hug, spilling half her drink over my arm in the process.

"Girl, I'm so happy you're here!" Clover begins introducing me to people and in true Clover fashion, she speaks a mile a minute, with me playing catch up on the conversation. I smile through the introductions, noting how each person apraises me with interest as soon as they hear I'm Kian's new fiancée. Of course, I aware that people have heard of the engagement, but this is the first time I've been in public as his soon to be wife. It's becoming clear to me that I will no longer be able to blend into the background. Being attached to Kian means I have eyes on me at all times.

I zone back into Clover's conversation when she announces that we should all get some drinks and follow her to the bar. Naturally, this bar is fully decked out as its own attraction and I almost laugh at the monstrosity of an ice sculpture that the bartenders make a show of chipping at to use in the colourful drinks served.

"I see you wore the dress," Clover remarks as we wait for our drinks.

"I did, a certain stylist told me it would be fitting for the occasion," I say as I raise my eyebrows. She tips her head back and laughs and I can't help but laugh along with her. There's a sense of freedom that Clover possesses. It carries across with everything she does and I almost envy her for it. With Kian already trying to control what I do, I wonder if I'll ever feel that way again? Only a few weeks ago, I was in control of my life but I signed it away the moment I agreed to be Kian's wife. So far, I only see him benefiting from our arrangement but I'm resolved to change that starting with this evening.

"It's a bit of a risky choice but I knew you'd be able to pull it off. Let's just say it was one of the outfits Kian didn't provide approval on if you catch my drift."

Interesting. I wonder why he didn't approve this dress. There's nothing scandalous about it. In fact, it looked quite ordinary to me aside from the material having a sheer effect in certain lights. Even then, it only appears to have sheer elements. All the goods are well and truly covered.

"He's a smart man," a voice from behind interrupts our conversation and Clover stills, her eyes going icy.

"Sloane," her voice is void of emotion.

"A pleasure as always, Clover." Mystery man responds with a warm smile despite the cold reception from Clover. She doesn't respond.

I turn, wanting to get a better look at the guy who has managed to get her so... silent. Clover is a whirlwind. She's many things but quiet isn't one of them.

"Micah Sloane," he reaches out his hand which I instinctively reciprocate. Tall, tanned and looking like the epitome of the boy next door who grew up, his smile reaches the corner of his eyes. "I wanted to introduce myself the other night but you were swarmed by people on the news of your engagement. A huge congratulations by the way".

"You were at the event the other night?" I ask, not remembering having seen him there.

"Unfortunately," Clover mumbles into her drink.

"Ahh Clover, you wound me. I had saved a dance just for you." Micah pretends to stumble as he puts his hand on his chest and I can't help but laugh at his silliness. It's surprising from someone who looks so refined. Clover rolls her eyes, clearly not entertained.

"As exciting as this conversation has been, I'm going to excuse myself." She walks away without another glance and I'm a bit surprised that she's left me with Micah who I've only just met .

"Do you two have a history?" I raise my eyebrows because Clover's distaste is very clear.

"Not in the way you might be thinking," he muses, not giving away any further information. "How are you finding being attached to one of the largest names in the city? I haven't seen you running in our social circles before your engagement so assume it's all new to you?"

"Very smooth. Changing the subject to me so you don't have to answer anything more about yourself."

Micah laughs at my response, not phased in the slightest. "Brains as well as beauty and not afraid to call me out. I'm starting to see why Kian likes you so much."

"In the spirit of honesty, why don't you tell me why you're really talking to me?" I counter. Micah's relaxed demeanour doesn't change at my bluntness and anyone looking in would think we're having a polite conversation about the weather.

"You'll learn that Kian and myself have a somewhat... strained relationship," he speaks cautiously as if trying to find the right words. "I wanted to introduce myself to you when he's not around so you can judge for yourself before he gets in your head about what an aweful person I am."

"Why would it matter what I think of you?" I question, confused as to why it makes a difference if I like him or not. I'm not involved in any business affairs so why would Micah care about my opinion of him?

"To most people in our world, it wouldn't matter. I, however, don't like to make enemies for the sake of it. You're going to be Mrs Reign soon. Whether you're aware of it yet or not, that counts for a lot. People will be gunning for you to fail. It won't hurt to have someone like me in your corner."

I open my mouth to respond but the air whooshes out of my lungs as I'm propelled forward by someone pushing me from behind.

"Shit," Micah curses as he reaches out. "You okay?"

I hear an apology from behind me which I assume is from a drunk party goer.

I take a moment to respond and get my bearings again but assure him I'm perfectly good as Micah glares at the person behind me.

"This event is a fucking shambles," he murmers to himself. "It's supposed to be a charity event and these assholes turn it into a rager every year."

"I'm surprised you care," I say, not having expected a person like Micah to feel strongly about charity.

"Not every person sees giving to charity as a tax write off you know," he seems to have finished glaring and is back being the charming boy next door. "Not all of the people here were born into wealth and they should do what they can to remember the struggle of the less fortunate."

"So you're saying that you won't be taking advantage of the fruity drinks served this evening?" I tease in an attempt to lighten the mood.

"Maybe," he remarks. "But only if they give those little umbrellas with it."  We laugh as we order at the bar and continue to mock the drinks menu and ice sculpture. 

"What is it even supposed to be?" I tilt my head trying to see if the ice was shaped into an animal before being chipped at.

"Who the fuck knows? It's as ugly as shit whatever it is," Micah says as he takes the drinks from the bartender.

"Cheer to that," I laugh, seeing that Micah's drink has, in fact, come with a mini umbrella.

I take a tentative first sip, surprised at how good the drink actually is but almost choke when I hear hear a familiar stony voice.

"Get the fuck away from my fiancée." 

Morally Grey (Grey Morals #1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें