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           —THE MEETING—


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           I wake up to the blaring of my alarm clock. Groaning I get up and turn it off looking around I see that I am in my room at the institute. I look down to see I still had my clothes  from last night on. I stager to the bathroom and turn the shower on and look at myself in the mirror trying to remember how the hell I got here. The last thing I remember is putting Damion,Lillian,and Amara in a car and sending them off and climbing into the car with Lorenzo after that everything goes black. Stripping out of my clothes I walk into the shower letting the hot water run down my body. All I wanted to do was go back to bed and go right back to sleep but I couldn't unfortunately so instead of wasting anymore time I scrubbed myself clean jumping out and wrapping a towel around my waist leaving my chest exposed to air dry I get started on my makeup going with my basic eyeliner look with some concealer and lipgloss not wanting to do anything with my hair I just brushed it out and left it down. Looking at the clock I see that I still had half a hour before I  had to bring Lorenzo his medication. I needed food in my stomach and a fat ass cup of coffee. Opening my door to the living room I see Lorenzo sitting on my couch with his legs spread wide and fresh clothes on and hair still wet. I don't know how he can manage to look good after staying up past 3:00 in the morning just to be up at 7:00 but by the looks of him it was probably up before that. His eyes  drink in my body making their way up to my eyes before trailing back down to boobs. "I came to check on you after last night you passed out. I came through the back entrance so no one saw us but it was hard to put you to bed here and not in mine with me." He licked his lips before tailing his eyes back up to mine making me feel hot all over. "Awe you want me in your bed. Careful Lorenzo it's starting to seem like you are catching feelings for me." I tease him but at the same time there was a trueness to it. This seems to make him go tense before clenching his jaw then he composed himself before leaning back. "That's right babygirl I feel something for you but what if I told you it was more of an infatuation that I have with you. That I want you all to myself. No one else but me. I want to ruin you Daisy in the best way possible." His words bore into my mind I  should be  scared and seeing red flags with the way he is speaking of his feeling for me but at the same time I couldn't help the flutter in my heart from his words. "What do you have to say about that babygirl?" His question stuck in the air. Not sure what to say to that I rolled my eyes and turned around headed to my room. "I would say that you're crazy." I walked into my room grabbing my robe wrapping it round my body and tying it tightly around my waist. Walking back into the living room I see that Lorenz hasn't moved from his spot. Ignoring his stare I walk into the kitchen. "Are you hungry?" I asked from the kitchen. "I'm famished." His voice came from right behind me causing me to turn around clutching my beating heart I glare at him. "Stop sneaking up like a creep." My panicked words  cause him to let out a small chuckle. He walks around and sits at one of the stools across from me so he can watch me cook and be close enough to make me jittery. I started to prepare the breakfast not sparing a look at Lorenzo but I felt his eyes on me the whole time not straying away. "You want to  play twenty minutes questions and get to know one another a little bit better." I say while mixing up the eggs and pouring a little bit of milk into them stirring it up. "Okay but I ask first." Came his quick response. "If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?" I took a minute to decide while I poured the eggs into the pan. "Definitely somewhere on a beach. Far away somewhere. I have never really had the chance to travel but I have been to a beach and fell in Love." I gave my honest answer glancing  up at him to see him soaking in my response with a look I can't point out on his face. "What about you?" I asked while putting biscuits in the oven and preparing the bacon. "I like anywhere with mountains and isolation I don't like people much. I want to be somewhere its nice and cool int the morning and warm in the day." His answer doesn't really surprise me he looks like he thrives in gloomy areas. "How many relationships have you been in?" Looking up at him with a raised brow. "Serous or sexual?". He thought about it for a second. "Serous." I wasn't sure if I should answer him  honestly or not knowing he would probably have more questions after. Mixing around the eggs I decided to answer honestly."I have only been in one relationship." He seemed shocked but quickly masks it. "Why only one?" He asked right after. Shaking my head I tsk. "Now thats not how the game goes, It's my turn." I tease dropping the finished bacon onto a plate. "How many have you been in? Serious ones I mean." I revert the question back because I was curious to hear the answer. "None." He quickly answers. "Explain why you've  only been in one relationship?" He fires back quickly eager to know the reasons behind it. I can't tell him everything obviously but I can be honest about somethings. "I met him when I was fifteen he was nineteen when we first started dating our families were close friends we grew up together. Our families kind of wanted us to be together since we were kids. It was bound to happen. It started off great he was my first everything. I fell deeply in love with him. He was already living at his own place by the time we started seeing each other and of course my family had no problems with me going over there and pretty soon they let me move in. I felt like I was living in a dream but it reality it was a fucking nightmare I just didn't realize it yet. Like I said it was good for a while the first few years it was like the love struck honeymoon stage, then pretty soon he started to get sickly obsessed with me. Always wanted to know where I was at who I was with who I was seeing. He put cameras around the house to watch me. He would flip his shit when he found out I was even near another guy he would lock me in the house and not let me out till he think I deserved it. Then one day I walked in on him fucking some bitch on his desk. At that point I wasn't even mad or upset I was tired of dealing with him and his bullshit. Me catching him with her only made things worse for me when he rushed home and found me packing a bag to leave he beat my ass and locked me in a room. I can't remember how long I was in there  for but eventually I was able to befriend one of the guards he had on rotation around my door and we made a plan for me to escape. He gave me a bag with my important information, some clothes, and enough cash to get me the fuck out of that hell hole. He had one of his close friends drive me as far away from there as he can. Once I stepped out of that state line I have been moving around just in case he is looking for me and knowing his psychotic mindset I know he will never stop till he has me or I'm dead so I don't want to put anyone in the way of danger for me or get to close cause they might wake up in the middle of the night and be gone, I wouldn't want to put anyone through that." I tell him one of my darkest confessions no one knows. I left out major details and names and places for the obvious I wasn't going to get him involved in my bullshit. Making us both plates I steal a look over at him to see that he hasn't moved or said a word, he just sat there taking  in all this new information. Placing his plate in from of him I snap him out of his thoughts. "Eat up we don't have long before you have to start our sessions."  He stays silent looking at me like I'm crazy and trust me I understand why it's really fucking complicated and that chopped up fucking story just caused more questions to flare behind his eyes. "How the fuck are you so calm? Give me names now." He voice was calm but I knew better those eyes reek havoc. Shaking my head I start to eat my breakfast ignoring his question. Looking up I see that he hasn't touched his food waiting for me answer sighing I drop the fork causing a clank against the plate. "Just drop it, it's nothing that you need to be getting yourself involved in." I warn him letting him know to drop it, and he does but I know the look behind his eyes and he will push for more answers but I just don't know why. Our staring contest was broken by the ringing of my phone. "Daisy speaking how can I help you?" I question waiting for a response. "Daisy this is Theo and I am calling to inform you that Lorenzo has a emergency meeting today regarding his case, he is needed in the meeting room in 15 minutes, your session with him today will be cancelled due to this. Can you be sure to let Lorenzo know he is needed in the meeting room, thank you." Theos voice floated through the phone the mention of the unexpected meeting has me frowning slightly. What did they find in the case to need an emergency meeting?. "Sure no problem I will make sure to let him know." I try to keep my voice steady with the way Lorenzo is looking at me is making it hard. Hanging up on Theo I turned to look at Lorenzo."Theo said that you are needed in the meeting room it is urgent and it requires you to be present and our session for today will be cancelled." He goes still at the mention of the emergency meeting like he already knows there is going to be a negative outcome out of this. Standing up he finishes up the plate before grabbing his phone off the counter. "I will see you tonight. I'm not sure how long this meeting will last but when it's over I'm coming over." He smirked and winks at me before making his way out the door. Since I didn't have a session today I decided to catch up on some paperwork and cleaning to keep my mind busy.

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