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             —HE FOUND ME—

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         I can feel people's curious gazes on me as Aria and I make our way through the party. I look around trying to find Lorenzo when I finally spot him standing with a group of men with Gianni in his arms. He has a large smile on his face that rare for anyone besides me to see but the way he looks tonight in his all black attire that clung to his muscles and the way he has his shirt unbuttoned leaving some of his tatted chest in the open with the single gold chain wrapped around his neck has my breathing hitched and a light blush to take over my body. (Fuck why does he always have to look so damn good.) Almost as if he can feel my eyes on him he looks up at me giving me a sly smirk before slowly ranking his eyes over my dress. A dark look takes over his eyes as he bites his bottom lip oblivious to the men talking amongst him. I can't help the way my stomach flutters any times he's around or even looks or touches me. I tried to fight the way I felt for him for a long time but he has done nothing but prove to me that he was not going to let me go and even though his logic behind his is psychopathic behavior is bat shit crazy I know his intentions with me are pure I know he wouldn't do anything that would hurt me or Gianni. He beckons me and Aria over while rocking Gianni in his arms. It was a sight that I never get tired of it honestly makes me want to say fuck it and have him put another baby in me. Aria pulling my hand rips me away from those thoughts quickly. "Give me my nephew." Aria sequels and and reaches for Gianni and Lorenzo hands him over with no fight. Lorenzo wraps his arm around my waist pulling me close to his side. "You look beautiful tonight baby." He whispers in my ear leaving a light kiss on the shell of my ear making me shiver with excitement. My breath hitches as I look up at him to find him staring in the depths of my irises. He grips my chin tilting my head further up placing a warm kiss on my lips. I almost whined as he pulls away from me wanting nothin more than to have him swallow me whole. "Thank you papí." I smiled up at him with innocence batting my lashes watching him react to the new nickname. I can see a look swirling in his eyes as he gives me a devilish smile. "Hearing you call me papí makes me want to do sinful things to you. Once you get the all clear you're not going to be able to get away from me. I've had the taste of your pussy on my lips for months it's long past due don't you think so baby?" He furrows his brows like he's genuinely curious but I know him I know the sinister thoughts brewing in that beautiful head of his. "Fuck Lorenzo don't say shit like that." I let out a breath feeling my heart rate pick up at the thought of him doing bad things to me. He knows the affect that he has on me from the way his smirk is growing as he watches me. "Save it for the bedroom you two dinner is about to be served let's go in starving." Damon whines like a large child beside Ari as she plays with Gianni keeping him calm. I can't help but admit that I'm hoping everything works out for Damon and Aria they look great together and I know he has feelings for her more then he has for anyone else I can see if I'm the way he looks at her but I let them figure their own stuff out. Lorenzo grabs the back of my neck pulling me in for one more kiss before leading us to the dinning space where everyone was starting to sit themselves. Lorenzo grabs Gianni before leading us to the head of the table. He pulls out a chair for me placing Gianni in my arms before taking his rightful place at the head of the table. The chatter subsides when Lorenzo takes his seat and slowly all the attention starts to turn to us making me grow nervous. I look down at Gianni to help distract me from the wondering eyes but I can still feel the heat of everyone's gaze. "I'm sure you're all wondering why I called everyone here." Lorenzo starts getting everyone's undivided attention. "As some of you already know or figured out but me and my fiancé have welcomed a son into the family. Gianni will continue to carry the Rossi name. I want to celebrate the life of my son and my finace and I getting married bringing two families together. To the Romanas and Rossi becoming one family." Lorenzo holds up his glass signaling everyone to do the same sending a cheers to our families coming together.

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