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           —FINALLY AWAKE—


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       I hear hear people talking before I'm able to open my eyes. It was honestly a struggle it felt like my eyelids were a thousand pounds. I ground reaching my hand up to touch my head that was throbbing. I slowly start to try to open my eyes and when I was finally able to open them fully taking time to adjust to the light in the room. Lorenzo was standing at the side of my bed holding Gianni. I looked around and noticed I was in our bedroom back home I sighed laying my head back down on the pillow in relief. "You're home Babygirl there's nothing to worry about anymore." He promises me and I believe him. I let a few stray tears leave my eyes as he runs his hand on the top of my head rubbing it comfortably. "I was so scared that he was going to kill me." I confessed to him and he kneels down beside me placing a soft kiss on my lips causing more tears to start to flow. "You did amazing baby I'm so proud of you. I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you sooner." He says in a soft voice that I've never heard from him as he started placing soft kisses on my forehead. "Someone missed you." He sits up placing Gianni in my arms. I lean down giving him a soft kiss as I caress his innocent little face. He looks up at me with his big bright eyes making me start crying again. Lorenzo stands beside me rubbing my back comfortably whispering encouraging things into my ear.
         After a while I eventually calmed down and the tears stopped flowing. We were now just basking in the silence enjoying each other being close together. Lorenzo had climbed into bed with us and we were now all cuddling. "You were asleep for a whole week." Lorenzo reveled to me making me turn myself around to face him. "The doctors said that you were hit in the head hard and got a concussion and when you passed out I guess it was too much stress for your body and you slipped into a coma. The doctors said if was up to you to wake up on your own. I'm not going to lie to you baby I was so ducking scared something was going to happen to you and I was going to lose you. I would lose my fucking mind if something happened to you." His words make my heart skip beats he's never expressed his feeling for me verbally only physically, and it's not that he doesn't want to he just never knew how but hearing him say such things to me almost has me in tears again. "You drive me fucking insane but you're mine forever and always. I love you baby." He places another tender kiss on my lips after confessing that he loved me. I never thought I would hear those words coming out of his mouth he's always so emotionless when it came to other people's feelings but for me he tried to understand me and how I was feeling. "I love you too." I leaned in to give him another kiss when Giannis baby coos broke us apart and we looked down at him to see him looking ups g us giving us a toothless smile before letting out a loud laugh. "Someone's mad they're not getting  attention." I squish his cheeks and he tried to suck on my fingers. "Everyone is waiting for you to wake up. They knew the minute you opened your eyes but I told them you needed time." The flashbacks of Gianni shooting Aleksei comes into my mind and I sit up abruptly causing Lorenzo to frown at me. "Giannis alive? I didn't imagine that did I?" I asked hopefully and he gives me a breathtaking smile and shakes his head. "Yes he's alive and he's been keeping an eye out for you for a while now. I found out all this after everything happened and you passed out. I'm not sure what would have happened if he wasn't there I've never been in the situation where I loved something enough not to react out of instinct. I couldn't do anything that would cause you harm, but thankfully it never had to come to that." I let his words sink in for a few. My brothers actually alive. It's not just hope it's real. I thought to myself as I looked over sleeping Gianni. "Can you call everyone in here?" I asked and he groaned burying his head into my side wrapping his arm back around me. "I don't want to." He whines nipping at my skin making me let out a loud squeal scarring Gianni. "Please." I poke out my bottom lip giving him pleading eyes and he gives in immediately. "Ugh fine." He grumbles cloning out of bed and walks over to the door and opens it up. Everyone falls onto the floor clearly caught ease dropping on us. They quickly scramble to their feet and Damon is the first one to run over to me throwing his arms around me letting out a dramatic cry . "I thought I had lost you forever." He squeezes me so tight I feel my air supply get cut short. "Give her so damn room." Lorenzo snaps pulling Damon off of me. After that everyone comes up wishing me well and telling me how happy they are that I'm back home. Home. I never thought I could call a place that. I look at the open doorway and see Gianni standing there with his hands in his pocket. He looked so different yet just the same he's workout that much is obvious by his body build but everything else about him is just as I imaged would be. We both stared at each other in silence neither of us believing that this is really happening. He takes a step into the room and everyone goes quiet watching the exchange between us. Lorenzo comes to my rescue when he picks up Gianni from my arms and escorts everyone out the room gently closing the door behind him allowing me a Gianni some time to talk with just the two of us. I stand up from the bed my legs still shaky and he comes to stand by me making sure I don't fall over. I don't waste anymore time wrapping my arms around his waist and giving him a hug I've been dreaming about for the past seven years. "God I've missed you." I say feeling the tears pooling in my eyes and fall onto his shirt. He wraps his arms around me returning the hug with just as much urgency both of us stood in silence basking in each others arms. He's the closest thing that I have to what's left of my actual family and I don't plan to let him go again. "I missed you too." He finally speaks his voice sounding way deeper than I remember it being. "Why did you never come for me?" I asked one of the thousands of questions swarming around in my mind. He looks down at me with a frown. "I have been looking for Aleksei since that night I escaped. I have gotten close to him but every time I've gotten in grabbing distance he disappears again. I've found you about three years ago while looking for him all I wanted to do what run up and hug you but I knew he was looking for you just as much as he was me. I didn't want to put your life in danger so I stayed back watching and protecting you from afar. That was until Lorenzo of course." He smiles giving me a small insight on what has been going on with him and yet I still had a million other questions that I wanted to ask. "I got to say the kid definitely surprised me I wasn't expecting that." He lets out a laugh scratching the back of his neck before I sitting down on the chair beside me. "Me and you both." I laugh with him. "I didn't even know I was pregnant till I gave birth in the shower after I ran away from Lorenzo." I tell him watching his facial expression go from void to surprise. "He's a boy right?" He asks and I smile nodding my head. "Gianni. That's what I named him." I said and I see him look down at the ground pitching the beige of his nose trying to keep himself from crying.  He looks back up at me his eyes red with unshed tears but he refused to let them fall as he gets up and wraps his arms around me giving me a brotherly hug. "Mom and dad would be so proud of you. I'm proud of you." He says kissing the top of my head he goes to say something else but the sound of my stomach growling cuts him off we both let out a laugh as he helps me out of bed. "Let's go get something to eat we'll finish talking later." He promises as we walk through the halls to the mosey kitchen packed with different bodies. When I stepped foot past the threshold uncle Carlo comes up to me giving me a big hug before doing the same for Gianni. "I never thought I'd see the day of you two being here together." He gives a smile that I've never seen before making my own grow on my face. Gianni and Carlo start to talk and I look around the room and find Lorenzo sitting at the head of the table. I leave the two to their conversation and go to sit beside Lorenzo who stands and pulls my chair out for me allowing me to sit. Everyone follows suit and sits in a seat grabbing at different food putting it in their plate. Everyone was talking amongst themselves everything Seemed normal and no one had yet to mention Aleksei which I'm grateful for.
        After eating we were all sitting at the table talking and drinking when Lorenzo gets my attention. "I have some news." He says pulling me away from the loud chatter filled room. We walk into the living room and he sits down on the couch pulling me down to sit on his lap and rests his hand in my upper thigh giving it a light squeeze. "I'm taking some time off to spend with you and Gianni. Leo is going to be covering for me for a while but I want my focus on you for a while."   He tells me rubbing his hand up and down my leg. "Are we going to be going somewhere?" I asked placing a soft kiss on his cheek. "Yes, we're going to an island. Aria and Damon is coming along to hell watch Gianni. As for your brother he's leaving with your uncle until you come back." He explains continuously caressing my my leg. "When should I pack?" I asked and he looks down at his watch. "We leave tomorrow morning so whenever you want to." Was his answer I tried to jump up but he grabbed my wrist pulling me back down holding my jaw lightly not to hurt my bruises and places a sensual kiss in my lips. "Now you can go." He lets me stand up but not before landing a hard slap to my ass as I scurry off.

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