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               —ON THE RUN—

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         We spent hours getting ready talking and laughing I have to admit it feels good to to have another women to talk to all I've ever really had was Damon and I couldn't talk to him about some things if would be to weird. The hours passed by quickly and it was almost time for us to put our dresses on and make our way to the party. "Are you nervous?" She asks while doing the finishing touches to my hair. "No but Im ready for it to be over with already and I don't want to deal with Lorenzo." I groan throwing my head back slightly. She laughs grabbing my head and putting it back in the original position so she can finish it up and top it off with hairspray. "Well we are defiantly going to party so you wont have to worry about him plus he will be busy with trying to talk to everyone now that he will be taking over the business." She sets the hairspray down giving me a once over making sure all my hair was in place. "Now go put this on so we can leave." She says handing me a dress shooing me into the bathroom. I strip myself of my clothes and slide the tight dress over my body it hugs every curve perfectly she also gave me a pair of black heel to go with it. The dress was absolutely stunning with red and black incorporated along with designs in the dress.

      When I step outside the bathroom she was clipping her heels around her ankle she was wearing a beautiful black dress with a tight corset top paired with white heels

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When I step outside the bathroom she was clipping her heels around her ankle she was wearing a beautiful black dress with a tight corset top paired with white heels. When she turns around and sees me she needs light a small child. "I knew you would look good in that its sexy but classy its just perfect." She gives me a once over proud of her work I did a small spin for her as she was clapping for me. "You look amazing too your ass looks great in that dress." I give her ass a slap making her let out a squeal. "You think so? You think Damon is going to like it?" She asked looking at herself in the mirror before looking back at me. "Yes I know so. As for Damon you could be wearing a paper bag and he would try to fuck you." At that she lets out a loud laugh grabbing my hand and walking us out her room down to the party whoever it was taking place. "Is Damon going to be at the party?" I asked as we walked down the hall and past workers walking back and forth working. "Yes I told Leonardo that they both better be there so we aren't all alone." I let out a sigh of relief glad that I would be there with some people I was comfortable with. We were coming up to some giant doors with two men standing on either side and upon seeing us they open the door and the loud sound of music filled the air long with the smell of weed and alcohol and the faint stench of expensive cologne. I looked around the room and seen a bunch of people I didn't know making me nervous I couldn't even find Lorenzo but Aria kept her hand in mine the whole time navigating us through the bodies of people we finally come up to a bar and Aria leans over and orders some drinks for the both of us and as she does so I let my eyes roam over the room once again but they finally land on a set of familiar eyes. Lorenzo was standing in the corner of the room with three other men in expensive suits they were all smoking while a drink in hand speaking of what I'm sure is business deals but Lorenzo hasn't took his eyes off me since they spotted me but the men continue to speak to him and he would occasionally nod his head while sipping his drink. "Hey you good." Damons voice comes from behind me as he throws his arm over my shoulder I glare up at him. "Watch the hair jerk." I give his stomach a hard slap but it didn't seem to bother him he just smiled down and stuck his tongue out at me. "Okay guys here's some drinks let's make a toast." Aria hands Leonardo , Damon and I shots while grabbing her own. "To new friends." She cheers and we raise our glasses clanking them together before throwing them back. "Okay now who wants to smoke." Leonardo pulls out four large blunts as big as large Cuban cigars. "Why don't we get out of here it doesn't seem like people will notice." Aria suggest holding up a bottle of whiskey with four glasses we all looked between each other smiling before scurrying off to the back door and the whole time I could feel Lorenzos eyes on me and as I make it out the door I turn around and send him a wink closing the door behind me. "Come on I know a place we can go." Leonardo says leading us down a dimly light path with green over grow that leads us down to large greenhouse that was littered with lights. He lead us inside and it was stunning from the flowers all the way to the trees that fit perfectly inside. He walks us to a secluded area that has lunge chairs and sofas along with a small white table. "We come here when we don't want to be bothered and smoke." Aria says sitting in the sofa and patting the spot next to her while looking at Damon. He quickly walks over to her sitting down as she gets comfortable to his side I look over at Leonardo to see him sitting down on one of the large chairs I follow suit and sit on the other one. Aria pours us all drinks and hands them out as Leonardo lights the blunts. "So why is it that you are not the one taking over the business?" I ask Leo which is what I decided to call him he takes a big hit doing some kind of crazy trick with the smoke as he inhaled it. "I can can handle the business it's just not something I want for myself Lorenzo however was born right into it he's a great Don he's the one that needs to fill the role he would do things for the business that I dint think I ever could. Plus I didn't want to get married." He shrugs looking over at me with a goofy smile on his face making me laugh. I look her at Aria and Damon to see them in their own little world giggling and whispering to each other. "They seem to be getting along quite well." I say nodding my head at them as he looks over and shakes his head in amusement. "She is going to drive him crazy." He chuckles to himself passing me the blunt. "So have you finally accepted that you're going to be getting married?" He asks while sipping on his drink and at the mention of this so called marriage I take a large hit feeling the smoke swarm around my lungs. "No matter of fact I haven't thanks for asking." I Seethed glaring at him but he doesn't seem to care actually he seems to find it funny as the stupid grin on his face but every ounce of emotion was whipped of in the blink of an eye and he became serous. "I get that you don't want to get married but I think it's safer for you if you would just accept things and not do anything rash." He says in a warning tone and for a moment I get nervous thinking he knew what me and Damon were up to but he doesn't give it away he just remains emotionless taking the blunt from my hand. "Now give me this baby lungs." He is now back to his playful annoying self making me look at him concerned. I swear this whole family is bipolar as fuck and if I'm being honest it's creepy as hell how they can just switch their emotions like a light switch. "Baby lungs who do you think you are old man." I tilt my head to the side and raise a brow he lets out a dramatic gasp and holds his hand over his chest. "How fucking dare you I'm not old you little shit." I couldn't help the loud laughter that was leaving my lips I have to admit he was way more playful then Lorenzo but I can't blame it on him he has to lead a cartel you can't be playful or fun one fuck up and your done. "You heard me old man or do you need hearing aids?" I asked taking the blunt out his hand and taking a hit before blowing the smoke in his face he just looks at me with his mouth slightly open. "How fucking rude." He glares at me playfully sitting back in his chair trying to wave the smoke out his face. "Not even close rude would be me putting my blunt out in your forehead." I shrug ashing in the ashtray next to me he looks over at me appalled. "That's just flat out disrespectful." We both look at each other for a moment before busting out laughing. "I figured I would find you all in here." The deep Italian voice of Lorenzo breaks our joyful atmosphere. "I see you also have my wife." He is calm but I can see the anger behind his eyes as he looks at his brother. "I'm not your wife." I glare at him he moves his eyes from Leo to me and raises a challenging brow. "Yet." Was his only reply before moving his attention back on his brother as they have a stare down for what feels like forever. "Come on Daisy I want to introduce you to some people." He holds out his hand waiting for me to take it I let out a defeated sigh giving Leo the blunt back before taking Lorenzo's hand as he pulls me up from the chair. I give them a smile and wave bye as we made our way out the greenhouse. Once we were outside he turns me to him and grips my hips pulling me close to him. "I need you to be on your best behavior tonight I don't want to have to kill anyone because you decided to act out." His words piss me off I try to push him away from me to be able to get some space but he doesn't budge in fact he just tightens his grip around me. "Fuck you and fuck them." Was all I said still trying to get out his grip he grips me tighter snatching me closer to him our chests are now touching. "Listen to me good I'm sick and tired of this little game you're playing my patience is running thin with you. Im trying to be good for you but you're really testing me if you keep up with this I'll move the wedding date to a sooner date your mine Daisy you're not going anywhere." His words burned into my brain and made a fearful chill run down my spin I just nod my head not wanting to say anything to him. "Use your words." I clench my teeth painfully tight and glare up at him holding eye contact to which he was finding amusing. "Fine whatever let's go." I roll my eyes and can hear him growl from behind me as I started to make my way back into the stupid party that I didn't even want to be at. Lorenzo catches up to me with no problem as he places his hand on my lower back before sliding or lower to my ass before giving it a hard slack making me jump forward a bit. "I didn't get a chance to tell you how good you look tonight absolutely breathtaking." He plants a small kiss to the side of mg head and my stomach erupts into butterflies that he's the only one that seems to ever give them to me. "Thank you you don't looks so bad yourself." I give him a smile as we make our way into the loud room filled with smoke if I hadn't have known better it would look like there was a fire inside here but the stench of weed and tobacco I knew better. Lorenzo leads me through the bodies of people I can now feel their eyes on me as Lorenzo had a tight grip on my hand he leads me to a group of men and their dates. We we are finally in front of them and Lorenzo shakes the hands of the men completely ignoring the women but he had their attention they weren't even trying to hide the fact that they were checking him out I honestly found it amusing he wraps his large arm around my waist pulling me closely to his side. "An who might this be?" The creepy looking man with the Leif hint blue eyes asked with his eyes on me. "This is my fiancé Daisy, Daisy this is Richard and Ricardo." Lorenzo introduces me to these two men who seem unable to take their eyes off my body making me feel uncomfortable. "Keep looking at her like that and I'll kill you." Was all that had to be said for them to advert their eyes quickly chuckling trying to play off them being intimidated. They eventually started to talk about business and I soon tuned it out turning my attention back to the women to see them glaring at me with pure hatred making me raise a brow. One of them let go of her dates arm and walked over to me and I moved away from Lorenzos side and stood up straighter she let her eyes take in my outfit and her face filled with distain and I could already tell where this conversation will go. "Hi my name is Trish and you are?" She gave me the fakest smile and other people could believe it but I could see right through it. "Daisy." Was my emotionless reply and I didn't even try to muster up a smile for her she dropped her faces almost immediately she crosses her arms over her chest. "I honestly don't get what he sees in you? He was just fucking me months ago and now he is here with you but it's okay I wouldn't get comfortable if I was you." She sneered letting out a laugh like she was the funnest person and I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle as well as I held my hand up showing her the giant ring that Lorenzo gave me to wear and even though I wasn't going to marry him I can't help but rub it in her face and her conniving smile vanishes in a instant she opens her mouth to say something else but closes it instantly and I could feel his powerful presents before I see him. "Is there a problem babygirl?" He whispers in my ear while placing his hands on my shoulders. "It's good to see you again Lorenzo." Tasha or whoever she was opened her fat mouth he looks from me to her and gives a harsh glare. "Was I fucking talking to you?" His response put a bright smile on my face as I watched her get red with embarrassment and her mouth gapped open with astonishment like she can't believe he talked to her like that but she quickly recovers and excuses herself and scurries away I let out a small chuckle watching her look like a idiot. "Was she bothering you?" He asked looking into my eyes I gave me a small smile shaking my head patting his chest. "Nothing I can't handle." I assured him giving him a light kiss on the lips pulling away as a very large and muscular man approached us. "Carlo I want you to meet someone." Lorenzo seems to be in a lighter mood around this man and as I look at him I'm not as intimidated as when I first seen him approaching. Lorenzo pulls me to his side looking down at me before turning back to Carlo. "This is my fiancé Daisy. Daisy this is the brother of (DAISYS FATHERS NAME) they have been close friends with my father since they were teenagers." His words make a lump form in my throat as I look at the large man who apparently is my uncle he looks down at me with a smile but as he was able to get a good look at my face he furrowed his brows in confusion before sticking out his hand. "It's nice to meet you." He says politely as I take his hand giving it a firm shake giving him a smile in return making him do an almost double take on me. "It's nice to meet you as well." I release his hand and he breaks from whatever daydream he was in he shakes his head lightly before turning back to Lorenzo. "When you have free time I would like to set up a meeting regarding some business that I may need assistance on." He goes into business mode making Lorenzo go emotionless with a head nod Carlo walks away. "Let's go find my parents." He leads us to a table where his parents were sitting and chatting amongst themselves engrossed in their own little world. "Pops I need to speak with you." Was all that was said before Marco stands up giving his wife a kiss in the head before walking off with Lorenzo. I take a seat beside Mia as she turns to me. "So I haven't gotten the chance to ask but how are you feeling about this whole marriage thing? I know if can be a lot to take in and it can be very overwhelming." She places her hand on top of mind and gives it a squeeze reassuring me I give her a small smile in return. "All us well I guess it's just a lot to take in all at once." I try to give my best answer without giving it away that I didn't want to be here and she seemed to buy it because she drops the subject all together and we start to make small talk about random things.
It feels like I have been sitting here for hours and I'm getting bored and tired and I haven't seen a Lorenzo since he left Damon and Aria came back but they are dancing and I'm not trying to theirs wheel and Leo left with Lorenzo and their father and I felt like I was loosing my mind. "I think I'm going to go to the restroom." I excused myself standing up before walking out the room finally able to breathe. I instantly start making my way to Lorenzo and I bedroom all I wanted to do was sleep and that's exactly what I am going to do that stupid party was the last place I wanted to be. Once I was finally in I slammed the door behind me and was finally able to take a deep breath. I walk into the cloister finding something comfortable to wear as I made my way into the bathroom and turn the shower on letting the bathroom fill with steam. Once stripped of my clothes I walk into the shower letting the hot water burn my skin but it doesn't bother me. I start to wash all the hairspray and makeup off. I hear my phone go off but I ignore it figuring it's probably just Lorenzo or Damon wondering where I ran off to. Once I was finally clean I throw on one of Lorenzo's shirts and some panties before walking over to my phone. Looking at the screen confusion takes over as I look as the unknown number across my screen unlocking my phone my blood runs cold when I read the texts.

UNKNOWN: I have to admit you had me fooled for a while but when I seen you that night I knew it was you. Don't worry doll I'm coming for you soon enough. -A

         Only one person called me Doll and I knew exactly who sent this and I could feel my vision begin to cloud and black dots take over my vision and my breathing become shallow I sit down in my bed and try to calm my breathing down once I was stable enough I swiped through my contacts my fingered hovered above Lorenzo's name but I quickly decided against it before clicking on Damon's it rings a few times before Damon picks up. "Hey where are you, I seen you leave are you okay?" He asked moving to a quieter place. "The purple dragon found me." Was all that I was able to push out before the line went silent before I heard shuffling. "Where are you?" He asks I take a deep breath trying to calm my nerves. "Bedroom." Was all I said before he hung up on me. It didn't take anytime before he was rushing into my room looking around before his eyes landed on me and he rushed over kneeling down beside me. "Show me." He said looking at me with worry I held up my phone as he took it from my hands reading over it and anger took over causing him to curse and start pacing around the room I just remained silent waiting for him to finally say something. He comes back in front of me and kneels down putting my phone back in my hands. "I will handle this you hear me go change and have a go bag ready in five minutes I'll be back." And with that he rushes back out the door closing it behind him I run into the closet grabbing a bag and stuffing some clothes and bathroom necessities along with my guns and change into something comfortable and put on some sneakers I hurry back into the the room throwing my bag on the bed before pulling out a pen and paper from the side table and trying to figure out something to say.


      Someone walking in the room startles me I whip around and see Damon walking up to me. "You ready to go? I have everything in order it's best if we leave now considering the party is still in full swing and we can get away easier I'll explain the rest once we are out of here." He puts his bag over his shoulder before grabbing my phone and turning it off and setting it back on the table. I grab my bag and follow him out the door he leads us down a hall I've never been down and walks
Through what I assume is the back pantry he continues to lead us through the dimly room into the wine cellar. "How do you know where we are going?" I whispered as I grabbed the back of his shirt as we made it through the cold room. "Ive been scoping this place out since I was invited here I pulled up the blueprints and studied them." He said squatting down at a small cellar door picking the lock before opening it and turns to me. "You go first I have to lock the door back." I quickly walk into the the dark and creepy hall and wait for him to catch up I can hear him lock the door back before turning on a flash light shinning it down the hall. "The exit is just up here." He gets in front of me and leads the way we weren't walking for to long when we finally came to another door with a lock on it it doesn't take to long for him to pick it as he pushes the door open I can feel a gust of wind blow in the feeling of fresh air calmed my nerves a bit. Once we are finally outside he leads us through some bushes to the back of the property. "Are we climbing the fence?" I asked looking at the tall fence with sharped edges. "No I cut a hole in the fence when I first got here." He says grabbing the bottom of the fence and lifting it up enough that we both could squeeze through it he started to lead me through the woods. "I have a car hidden down here I called in a favor with my friend he helped set it up." He says as we continue to quickly walk through the woods. The quiet woods added a eerie feeling not to mention it was pitch black outside we walked for what felt like hours but it was only a few minutes before we came to a clearing where a grey charger stood. We run over to the car throwing our stuff inside and climb into the seats as he starts the car and speeds out of the clearing onto the main road. "So what is the plan?" I asked looking out the window as he continued to speed down the roads. "I have a boat that is waiting for us we are going to go back to the United States I got us all new identities so we should be good with that I purchased a house in Florida on the beach I figured that would be the safest at least for now until we figure out a long term plan." I couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief I honestly don't know what I would have done without Damon. "Thank you so much." I lean my head against the window looking out at the scenery passing I can feel my eyes begin to get heavy and my body grow tired. "I told you that I'm here for you now go to sleep." He says speeding the car up and I don't fight him as I feel my eyes begin to close with drowsinesses.

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