6 - Apologies

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"Papa, can you bring me to bed?" 

Katsuki looked down to his tired daughter, who still had her leg in a cast. He nodded, picking her up as he made his way towards her bedroom. He set her down on her bed, gently removing her T-Shirt and skirt so he could help her put on her pajamas. 

"When is Deku-kun coming for another visit?" She mumbled, holding her arms up so the blonde man could put her shirt on. He frowned to the memory of what had happened in the hospital. 

Gosh, I can't believe I fell for someone as mean as you.

Was that how he said it? He said it so quietly Katsuki almost missed it. But he heard it. He had texted Midoriya after his daughter was discharged, but the greenette still hadn't answered despite the fact that the messages were sent two days ago. 

"I don't know. Izuku and I had a little argument." The blonde confessed, earning a concerned look from the small girl. 

"Did you hit him?" She asked. Bakugou shook his head. 

"No. But I did hurt him, though. I said some very mean and hurtful things to Izuku. And I haven't properly apologized yet." He mumbled as he crouched down next to the bed. 

"Did you call him?" The small girl said, pushing her legs under her blankets. Katsuki once again shook his head. 

"No. Do you think I should?" He chuckled, earning a frantic nod from the blonde girl. 

"Yes. And then you should tell him to stay with us. And you should buy me a puppy too." She giggled, looking away with a grin. Bakugou laughed, pulling up the covers over the girl's head and suffocating her in a gentle way. He heard her excited and giggling screams as he roared and pulled off the blankets again, pressing a quick kiss on her forehead. 

"I told you, no puppy until you get older and more responsible." He chuckled, pulling away. "Besides, a dog is a big responsibility and it's very energetic. Who knows? If you're responsible enough until your birthday, then I might get you a puppy." He shrugged, making the girl's eyes glimmer with hope. Her birthday was only fourteen days away. She was finally going to be five years old. "Go to bed, okay? It's getting late." She listened to her father's final words as he tucked her in and kissed her goodnight. He then left, making his way out the front door. He leaned on the rail of his balcony, pulling out his phone.

He immediately found the person he was looking for, deciding to call the greenette he had hurt so badly. It rang once, twice, and a third time before a clicking sound was heard. 

"Hello?" A groggy voice spoke. Bakugou felt his heart drop. He hadn't thought about the time. It was eleven o'clock at night, there was no doubt Izuku was sleeping just now. 

"Hey, it's me. Sorry for waking you up. You got a few minutes to spare for me?" The blonde asked, hoping the greenette wouldn't hang up on him. He heard a loud sigh before Izuku's voice resonated. 

"What do you want?" 

"I'm sorry about what happened at the hospital. I know you were trying to help and I'm glad you were there. I honestly just thought about myself and Kate. I was being rude and mean and you didn't deserve the way I treated you. I also didn't know you felt that way about me, either." He blurted out, earning a pause. 

"Wha- What do you mean by the way I feel about you?" A tired voice questioned. 

"You said something along the lines of I can't believe I fell for someone so mean. I don't know if I was meant to hear that or not, but I did." Katsuki explained, earning a long and heavy silence from the other end. He tensed up, unsure of what to say. All he could hear was a shaky sigh before he decided to continue speaking. "Listen, I'm flattered. I really am. You're an amazing guy and you care for me and Kate so much. I really care about you too. But I'm just not interested in you in a romantic way. I'm still not fully over Katie yet and I don't know if I ever will be. Plus, dating someone new can be a big chance for Kate. You know how she really loves talking about Katink and I don't know if she'd be open to having someone new as a parent. I just... Want you to know that." He rambled, still waiting to hear Izuku's voice. 

On the other side of town, a tired greenette held his phone at arm's length. He tried his best to hold back sobs, wiping away tears with his free hand as his heart continued to break to ever word the blonde spoke. He loved Katsuki very much, and not just in a Fanboy kind of way. He truly wanted Bakugou as a romantic partner. Deep down, he always knew Katsuki didn't feel the same. But hearing the hero say it himself hit him differently. It made him realize the truth in a more painful way.

"Are you still there?" Bakugou's voice resonated. Izuku shakily inhaled, trying his best to keep his voice under control. 

"Yeah, I'm here." He managed to reply without any problem. Another silence roamed before Midoriya found the strength to talk again. "I'm sorry if I jeopardized anything between us. I really like you, Kacchan. I don't mean to come between you and Kate, either. I also know you're still mourning Katie. I understand that. I'm sorry." He shakily spoke, pulling his phone closer so his friend could hear him clearly. A flood of uncontrollable tears immediately came flowing down freckled cheeks as Katsuki spoke again.

"Don't apologize for your feelings, dumbass. Love isn't something people can control. I think that's why I feel guilty for falling for you. I feel as if Katie still deserves to be mourned a little longer. I mean, she was my wife, for fuck's sake. And ever since she died, I've been questioning my sexuality. I've been pushing everything away because I don't want to disrespect her especially after she died. But before you get too carried away- I want you to know I like you. As more than a friend. But I still like Katie, too. I just need some more time. I need to focus on myself and Kate for now. I don't want to start something without being 100% sure."

Izuku's eyes widened. His throat seemed to tighten as his heart began thumping rapidly inside his chest. Had he heard right? The person he admires, respects and loves the most had actually returned a form of love for him? Even though Katsuki wasn't completely sure about it, Izuku still felt incredibly happy by the fact that the pro hero liked him in some kind of way. But he still had to respect Bakugou and his daughter. He had to wait, just a bit more. 

"Hello? You've gotta stop being so quiet, fuck. You're making me nervous." A raspy tone spoke. Midoriya cracked a smile to the hint of worry in his friend's voice. 

"Yes, sorry. I understand. Kate is your first priority right now. I can wait." Midoriya spoke, his heart racing in his chest. He heard a low chuckle, creating butterflies in his stomach. 

"Alright. I just wanted to make sure everything was good between us. I'm sorry again for hurting you, Izu." Katsuki spoke up. Izuku smiled wide, resting his head back on fluffy pillows. 

"It's fine. I forgive you, don't worry about it. I would have done the same, in your shoes. You were under a great amount of pressure. I get it." He tried to hold back a happy giggle. He heard the blonde cackle to himself once more. "I should really get some rest, now." The greenette eventually spoke through a large smile. 

"Okay, okay. I'll stop bothering you now, nerd. Good night." Bakugou spoke. Izuku's heart fluttered to the words. 

"Good night, Kacchan."

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