8 - LoVE☆

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"You're not supposed to be here, damn it. Even Kate is staying with my mom. I'm supposed to be alone and resting." Katsuki grumbled, watching the greenette wash his dishes. 

"I know, but you and I both know you've recovered really well from that surgery in less than a week. I wouldn't be surprised if you'd be fully healed already. I don't get why the doctor told you to take it easy for a damn month. Besides, I like helping out around your place." Izuku spoke, wiping down a wet plate. He turned around facing the shirtless blonde. As expected, there were many bandages wrapped around his wound, where he had been operated several days prior. However, he looked great and fit. It was clear he wasn't as sore anymore, and Izuku was glad he had waited over a week to come visit his friend. He couldn't have endured seeing the blonde in pain. 

"When are you going to get Kate back?" He asked. "I think it's a bit extra, you didn't have to hand her over to your mom for two weeks. Poor Kate." He spoke, placing the dish in a cupboard, next to him. He awaited Katsuki's response, grabbing another damp plate and wiping the excess water away. 

"I just wanted some peace and quiet, so I could recover and go back to work as soon as possible. Wanna beer?" The blonde spoke, opening the refrigerator. Izuku chuckled, setting another plate in a pile of clean ones. 

"Nu-uh, nope. You can't drink beer, mister. You just said you wanted to recover. Beer holds 4.2% alcohol, and alcohol makes your blood thinner. That can cause infections, and slow down the recovery process. No beer for you." Izuku spoke, snatching the glass bottle from the blonde's hand and putting it back in the fridge. He heard the man sigh in annoyance before speaking up. 

"Well, damn. Okay, mister know-it-all. You're such a fucking nerd. You could be a damn doctor." He chuckled, earning a loud laugh from the greenette. 

"I know." He giggled, finishing the dishes with a final plate. "So, you must have been bored, in the past week. All alone at home, doing nothing?" He teased, earning an eye-roll from the taller man. 

"I was cleaning. And sleeping. Pretty much just sleeping. But I cleaned a bit." The blonde shrugged, pausing between his words. He leaned back against the fridge, watching as his green-haired friend finished up cleaning his kitchen. 

"Good, you got some rest. That's all you can really do to heal up faster, I suppose." Izuku muttered, approaching the blonde. "The bandages- Did you change them ever since you got them on you?" Izuku asked, noticing how rough the bandages seemed, as if they had been there for a few days. 

"Yeah, 'course I did. 'Cause I can reach all around my fucking torso, y'know?" Katsuki sarcastically spoke, rolling his eyes once more. Izuku smiled weakly, shaking his head. 

"Alright, come on. I'll change 'em for you." He stated, pointing to the sofa in the living room. "Are your bandages in the cabinet, next to the shower?" He asked, heading towards his friend's bathroom. He knew damn well Bakugou had bandages somewhere in his house, since he was a hero and it was only natural he'd come back with injuries he'd have to wrap himself. After hearing Bakugou's response, Izuku searched through the cabinet and eventually found a roll of white bandages, along with three more. He grabbed two, knowing Bakugou's waist was thicker than his and would probably need more bandages than he'd think. 

Midoriya was quick to take a seat next to his friend, immediately running a finger across Katsuki's abdomen, making sure to be gentle as he tugged on the edge of the bandage. He pulled off a piece of medical tape, easily removing the rest of the bandages to reveal a bruised wound. The skin around Bakugou's cut had turned purple, and it was quite gross to look at. But Izuku had been through this before, when his mother had the exact same surgery, a few years prior. He was used to seeing gruesome things and wounds of this sort, so it didn't phase him at all. 

He made sure to disinfect around the wound, which was still covered by a clear plaster, before beginning to wrap his friend up again. Surprisingly, Katsuki didn't mind having the greenette's hands around his sore wound, and didn't try to stop him when he started randomly tracing lines on his broad back when he was done wrapping. They both enjoyed it. Bakugou felt more than relaxed, legs crossed beneath him as he faced away, while Midoriya gently traced letters and shapes on Katsuki's fair skin. He sometimes switched to running his finger over the lines between the blonde's muscles, before tracing letters again. They were bored, no doubt about it. But they didn't want to stop or leave the position they were in at the moment. 

"Hey, well, I should get going." Izuku spoke, eventually snapping out of his trance and standing up. The sudden outburst seemed to startle the blonde, who was almost falling asleep from the relaxing feelings on his back. 

"Why? You haven't even been here an hour. Besides, I haven't see you in a week. You barely spoke to me at all." Katsuki spoke, tiredly looking up to flustered emerald eyes. 

"I should... Just, y'know, get going. I mean, I'm not even supposed to be here in the first place. I came to help out and check on you, that's all. And nothing much happened in the last week, anyway. Nothing worthy to talk about. Just babysat kids, as usual." The freckled man spoke, hurrying towards the door. He reached for his coat, stopping as he heard a noise he had never heard his friend make before. 

"Deku, please. Stay. I like your company. Plus... I really love what you were doing to me just now." The blonde spoke. Izuku looked over, locking eyes with tired crimson ones. Although Bakugou had spent the past week resting, he had been extremely lonely and never seemed to sleep well. However, what Midoriya had been doing to his back felt really good, and he wanted more. He didn't want to admit it too often, but he also wanted Izuku to stay, just because he enjoyed having him close to him. The past week had made him miserable, not being able to see anyone. He had missed seeing freckles on fair cheeks, and glimmering green eyes. Having them again after so long felt amazing, and he didn't want to let them go. Not right away. "Can you keep doing it? In bed? If I fall asleep, then you can leave. I just want you to stay for a bit." The blonde continued, frowning as Izuku hesitantly grabbed his jacket. 

Midoriya lowered his eyes, thinking for a moment. It was getting a bit late, and his mother would probably expect him to be home for before nine. But he too, had missed Katsuki a lot. 

"Alright, but I'm leaving if you fall asleep, like you said." He agreed, placing his jacket aside again. He reentered the apartment, following Katsuki who had already bolted towards his bedroom. A smile formed on freckled features as he walked into the blonde's bedroom, spotting his friend laying on his stomach. He was in the middle of placing a soft pillow next to his abdomen, making sure not to put too much pressure on his wound as he got comfortable. Izuku approached him, trying to push down the nervous lump forming in his throat. 

"Sit, come on. Get comfortable." 

Midoriya did as he was told, sitting comfortably next to the hero as he began to run his nails up the blonde's back. He tilted his head, hoping to see the blonde's face, but the angle wasn't right and he couldn't tell what Katsuki was feeling. 

"Y'know, you're smart. You could be a doctor, and a masseuse." Katsuki muttered, his voice deeper than usual. A chill was sent down Izuku's spine to the sound of his friend's voice, looking down to his back. He traced the letter L, followed by a circle. Butterflies formed in his stomach as he traced V, then E, along with multiple star shapes. 

"You have a scar on your lower-back, did you know that? How did you get it?" Izuku mumbled quietly, not wanted to disrupt the mood. He looked down to the small white line, which he figured must have been done when the blonde was just a child. Falling off a bicycle, maybe? Who knows? "Kacchan?" He repeated, leaning forward to try and grab his friend's attention. He leaned up a bit, spotting the blonde's face. Ruby eyes were hidden by eyelids and soft breathing was the only thing heard. A large smile took place on Izuku's lips as he raised his brows, leaning back again. 

"Well, that was quick." He muttered, continuing to trace random shapes on the blonde's back. Although he had said he would leave after Bakugou fell asleep, he only found himself laying down next to him, continuing to trace shapes on fair skin. Even though he told himself he'd stay a little longer, he actually never left, and fell asleep right next to the number two pro hero. 

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