A Girl And A Butterfly

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The sky was gray and dreary as an incredibly small town sat in the morning mist. This town in particular was colorless. No laughter or happiness filled the streets, and no sunshine ever filled the sky. It was always cloudy, rainy, and gray.

It was also very boring.

But the townspeople didn't have a need for such strong emotions. They were perfectly fine with going about their usual everyday lives of sleep, work, be polite, and repeat.

Most of them, anyway.

Wind blew the dark leaves on the cold stone ground, sending them flying in the air. They flew with the breeze, gently flying past small businesses and wooden roofs. The butcher swept outside his shop as his sweeping aligned with the tik tok tik tok of the clock shop next door. His coworker mindlessly chopped the heads of fish off, the heads falling into a wooden bucket beside him.

A cat lay next to the bucket, enjoying its own fish head it had gotten from the bucket. The leaves then moved on, another breeze catching them. They danced in the wind as they disturbed a nearby butterfly.

The butterfly flew off, fluttering into the sky. Its pale blue wings, very nearly gray, flapped silently in the air as it landed on a windowsill. A pair of gentle hands quickly covered the butterfly with a glass cover. A girl with h/l h/c hair in a side braid studied the insect through the glass. She smiled.

" The perfect specimen to be in my planning sketch. Don't worry, I won't keep you for long." The girl said as she got a paper from her desk, which sat next to the window. She grabbed a feather quill and dipped in the ink. She then started to draw the figure of the pretty butterfly. She added swirls and gears inside the wings. She was planning to make a mechanical version of the beautiful insect. Purely made out of gears and wind-up power with a key. She sighed as she looked at the final result of the sketch. Adding some math equations on the side for measurement and precise sizing, she was satisfied with her planning. She walked back over to the butterfly, who was still trapped in the glass. She carefully uncovered it, and it fluttered around in her room.

She chuckled a bit. " See? I told you it would be quick." She told it as it landed on her finger.

" Pretty little thing aren't you? Go on, be free." She let it fly out of her window.

She then got started on her invention. She put on her goggles with a f/c leather strap on the back as she got to work. It took a few hours, but she finally got the last gear in place. She got a small metal skeleton key and wound it up. The toy flew out of her hands and around the room, just as the real one had earlier. The girl pulled her goggles up so they sat atop her head. Her e/c eyes widened.

" HAHA! IT WORKS!" She exclaimed in excitement. Just then, the door to her room opened. A pleasantly plump woman strode in with a stern look on her face. She was well dressed, wearing her best outfit of a maroon dress and her hair done tightly in a bun. A skinny old man stepped in behind her, his hair white and handlebar mustache white. He wore an old suit that looked like it hadn't been worn since his wedding day, along with a top hat. He also wore a spectacle. He cowered behind the woman like a shy child.

" Y/n! You were supposed to be dressed and ready by now! Not flittering about with..whatever nonsense you're up to." She said snobbily. You looked at your mother, still excited.

" Oh Mother! I am sorry I lost track of the time- But I built a mechanical butterfly! Isn't it amazing? This is such a breakthrough! The secret was the thin gears! The finest metal, with the tiniest- well.. Almost featherlike metal rods I created! I put them on the edges of the wings so they could catch the air! Now it can fly! Oh mother- we can sell this and get money for it! I'm sure adults and children alike would love it." You rambled as your mother watched the flying geared butterfly fly around your room with an unimpressed look. Your father looked at it with a sparkle of wonder in his eyes, but said nothing.

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