Concerning The Dead

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Hildegard took small steps as her frail body carried a tiny tray. On the tray was the smallest wedding cake imaginable. It was all the Everglots could afford. The old woman carried the silver tray to the large table of people. It was incredibly quiet for an after-party of the Everglots wedding. No laughter or talking ensued, no music was heard. A man snored in his chair as the tiny cake was served on the table. The grey and dreary people sighed in their own miserableness as they studied the threads on the table cloth, an old lady poked at the tiny roasted chicken on her plate absentmindedly. Mister and Mrs. Everglot looked at eachother with cold gazes.

" Alright alright, quiet down now, everyone." Lady Barkus said as she tapped her glass. The man who was snoring suddenly jolted awake. Edwin rolled his eyes at his new wife.

" Thank you." Lady Barkus said as she got everyone's attention. She cleared her throat as she prepared her speech. " Elegance, culture, radiant. Edwin has a wife with all these qualities," The woman spoke in her soft velvety voice as she inspected her nails. " And more. Serendipity brought us together," She clasped her hands together as Edwin rested his hand on his cheek lazily. " And no force on earth could tear us apart." Lady Barkus's speech was cut short as the fireplace and lighting in the room suddenly turned emerald green.

Thunder struck as the guests and Edwin gasped. The room was eerie as the guests all sideglanced at eachother with wide, frightened eyes. Too scared to move from their seats.

Shadows moved behind Mister and Mrs. Everglot. Two skeletons and the bowler hat skeleton arose from the shadows behind them, the guests sitting across the table gasped. But before the skeletons could spook the Everglots, the bowler hat skeleton's single eye dropped into the bowl of soup. Mr. Everglot watched the eyeball bobble around in his broth. The man scooped the eye out of the bowl with his spoon as he studied it.

" There's an me soup."

An old woman screamed at the table as all chaos broke loose. The table was flipped over as guests ran away from the ghouls and skeletons and dead people that walked about the mansion.

Lady Barkus screamed as she shoved Edwin out of the way, crawling to hide under the table. Edwin deadpanned at the scene.

The soldier skeleton with sword in his torso chased an old woman, and Mrs.Everglot stood on a chair, horrified as P/n barked at the woman.

" Fetch me musket!" Mr.Everglot ordered the butler.

" FETCH YOUR OWN MUSKET! I'M OFF!" The mustached man said as he put on his hat and ran out of the door.

A woman screamed as Paulz ran out from under her dress, his severed head making its way across the floor in a scurry of beetles. " Coming'z through!"

Lady Barkus sat under the table with her hands over her eyes. She suddenly heard children's laughter and uncovered them to see the two skeleton children giggling as they sat under the table with her. The posh woman gasped in horror as she scooted away.

A man stood in shock in the middle of the room.

" Excuse me," The maggot said as it sat on his shoulder. The man gasped in terror.

" You don't know me but, I used to live in your dead mother." The maggot told him.

The man shouted in horror as he ran.

A pleasantly plump woman ran away from the bowler hat skeleton as fast as she could.

" Hey! Hold on there!" The skeleton said as he ran after her. " I love a woman with meat on her bones." His gravely voice said as he snickered.

Death Do We Part ( Varian x Reader Corpse Bride AU )Where stories live. Discover now