Remains Of The Day

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A/N: SURPRISE! LONG TIME NO SEE! I am going to try and start updating more now that its almost summer. They will still be slow! I also apologize for the badly written chapter. I'm trying to get back into the swing of things still. Also! The Corpse Bride full movie is FREE on youtube if you want to watch it! It's a very beautiful movie and i highly recommend! I hope you all enjoy this chapter!


The world slowly came into focus for the young girl as she slowly opened her eyes. A chattering of voices filled the air as her hearing came into focus.

First thing seeing a skeleton man in a suit with a curly mustache and a worried-looking Corpse Groom.

"A new arrival!" The posh skeleton man joyously said. Y/n blinked and suddenly everything in her vision became much clearer.

Though it made no sense. It was utterly baffling.

Two more dead people were behind the skeleton man and the corpse groom. " She must've fainted," The young groom said as he leaned closer to her face with a touch of fear in his features. He gently grabbed the nape of her neck and lifted her head up. "Are you alright?"

You looked at him, eyes wide as you breathed heavily. " Wha...whatareyou-"

The skeleton man shoved the groom aside. "By jove man! Looks like we have ourselves a breather!" An old chef man, who was completely blue in the face, was the next one to shove into her view. " Does she have a dead sister?" After looking her over. A small skeleton boy jumped up, touching her with his cold, bony fingers. "She's still soft!" His nasal voice spoke. You looked at them, petrified. You crawled backwards, bumping into a bar. The corpse groom watched all this unfold as he stood, quietly watching you with an unexplainable face.

You slowly stood up, your back to the liquor bar behind you.

"A toast, to the newlyweds!"

You spun around to see a very short-looking skeleton man with a sword in his torso, attempting to down a beer. He clinked with his taller skeleton friend, who had a huge gaping hole in his chest. " To the newlyweds!" The short man said again.

The last word finally registered in your brain.

" W-WAIT! Newlyweds?!" You gasped. The young groom- your husband- gently grabbed your shoulder. He spun himself around behind you, a lovestruck look on his face. " W-Well... back there in the woods, you...said your vows. And, wow were they perfect." He chuckled a lovesick chuckle as he took your hand in his own, showing you the ring you had bestowed on him.

" I-I did?" You gaped, confused. The boy nodded with a small smile.

" I did." You looked up, this couldn't be real. You banged your head on the bar surface. " WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!"

"Bonjour!" You heard a voice say. You looked up to see a severed head, being carried by spiders and beetles toward you. "Coming'z through, coming'z through!" He called out. You stared at him in shock. How was this severed head talking?

" Heghlo, my name is Paulz and i am 'ze waiter, ahahah!" He said with his thick accent as he hiccuped.

" I will be creating your z'wedding feast!" He said joyously. Just then, the Corpse Groom's left eye popped out. A worm came through his eye socket. And spoke.

" When is the feast? I'm salivating!" His creepy voice said. The corpse boy quickly put his eyeball back in as you gasped in horror. His face was apologetic and nervous.

" Apologies. maggots, aha~" He awkwardly said as he looked to the side with an embarrassed smile.

"Oh!" You exclaimed as you backed away, this was all too much. Where were you? How did you get here? WHY WERE YOU MARRIED TO A CORPSE? HOW WERE ALL OF THESE DEAD PEOPLE ALIVE?

Death Do We Part ( Varian x Reader Corpse Bride AU )Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum