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A/N: Prepare yourselves for a super long chapter ahead.

Meanwhile, your parents, and Edwin's family, were sitting in the parlor. Edwin stared out the window. He felt so guilty that he hadn't helped you. And now, even more, that you were missing. No one could find you after you had run into the forest.

Poor Y/n...what have I done?  He thought.

"Edwin! Get away from the window." His mother's posh voice called out. He turned obeyingly and made his way to where his and your family sat by the fire drinking tea.

"I'm sure she'll be back shortly," Your mother assured Mrs. Everglot. " She's always been terrified of the dark. In fact, when she was a girl, she used to wet her combinations regularly! Didn't she William?" She overshared as she elbowed her husband, who was innocently trying to drink his tea. He gave her a side glance in return.

Just then, a knock came at the door.

"Enter!" Mr.Everglot called out. The middle-aged woman from before strolled in, her posture straight as ever as she glanced at her nails, inspecting them.

Mrs.Everglot delightfully gasped. "Ah! Lady Barkus! I trust the room is to your liking."

" Yes, it is. You are a most gracious hostess." Lady Barkus's low, soothing voice replied. Her slow, ever so careful steps were like leaves on a windowsill as she made her way into the room, the doors closing behind her. " Which pains me to be the bearer of..." She leaned into Mr.Everglots face as he leaned back awkwardly " Such bad news." She whispered. His eyes widened. Edwin's eyes widened as well, had something happened to you? He was now worried as ever.

Lady Barkus snapped her fingers, and the town's newsman came in with his large bell.

" Would you care to repeat tonights headline for us?" She asked the man. He nodded. He rung his bell as he yelled loudly.

" HEAR YE! HEAR YE! Y/N VANDORT SEEN THIS NIGHT ON THE BRIDGE IN THE ARMS OF A MYSTERY MAN! A DARK HAIRED ATTRACTIVE MAN AND MISS VANDORT SLIPPED INTO THE NIGHT!" He finished. " And now the weather," He said in a normal voice. " Scattered showers followed by-"

"ENOUGH!" Lady Barkus sharply said. "That will be all." She said in a sweet voice. After the man left, your mother lost it. " MYSTERY MAN? ATTRACTIVE? SHE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW ANY MEN, LET ALONE ATTRACTIVE!"

Lady Barkus inspected her nails. " ...Or so you thought." She made her way out of the room.

" Do call if you need my assistance," She eyed Edwin with a smirk. " ...In any way." Her silky voice said as she closed the door behind her when she left.

Edwin blinked with a blank face.

" Good heavens Phineas, what shall we do?" Mrs.Everglot dramatically said as she stood.

" Fetch me musket." The short fat man said with narrowed eyes. Your parents panicked.

"William do something!" Mrs.Van Dort said as she waved her arms.

"Er- the Town Crier probably had a slow news day-" He took the musket out of the man's hands. " You know how it is, you need something to cry about." His nasally voice said.

" Regardless!" Mr.Everglot jumped off the couch. " We are one bride short for the wedding tomorrow!...not to mention the financial implications-" He added the last part to himself in a low voice.

" A most scandalous embarrassment for us all." Mrs.Everglot snobbily said.

"Give us a chance to find her!" Your mother said. " We beg of you. Just give us until dawn!"

Death Do We Part ( Varian x Reader Corpse Bride AU )Where stories live. Discover now