Moon Dance

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The smokey green fog dispersed as you and Varian looked around at your new surroundings.

You were both back in the moonlit forest, dark branches like claws reached out to you. Crows called out into the night as Varian looked up into the canopy above, where the moonlight shined down on him.

The corpse boy let out a breathtaking gasp. You watched as tears almost seemed to form in the boy's eyes as he stared at the full moon above him.

" I've spent so long in the darkness, I'd almost forgotten how beautiful the moonlight is." He said in a small voice. He smiled as a pale blue butterfly fluttered above his head. You noted how it looked almost exactly like the one you had used for your planning sketch as it flew into the night.

The boy let out a deep sigh of contentedness as he stepped forward, the ripped fabric of his wedding suit flowing so gently behind him. He jumped and spun in the circle of trees, gracefully dancing and enjoying the night. Varian gently spun around you, his loving ice-blue eyes meeting your gaze. He continued his moonlit dance as you turned away from him, plotting the map of the forest out in your mind, figuring out which way the town would be. You were too deep in thought that you didn't notice as Varian tripped over a root and fell flat on his face behind you.

Varian lifted his head up from the ground as the maggot came from his ear, whispering at him.
" Hey- i think you dropped something." The boy looked behind him at his bone leg lodged in the root behind him. He saw that you were beginning to turn around, he quickly stood and grabbed his leg, fastening it onto his body.

As you turned you saw that the boy was standing there. What was he doing?

The boy started his dancing again with a 'hmph', as if nothing had previously happened. Varian delicately danced around a tree, making his way to you as he hummed a tune. He twirled around you again as you gently grabbed his shoulders to stop his spinning, placing him on a bench.

" I think I should..well um- prepare my mother and father for the big news." You told him, it was going to take a miracle to not make her family scream in terror at the boy, it was better for both of them to mentally prepare them first and explain the situation. " I'll go ahead first, and you...wait here." You gently explained. Varian looked at you with an excited gaze.

" Perfect!" He agreed.

" I won't be long." You said as you ran off into the forest, headed for your town.


You reached the Everglot mansion and ascended the steps as you gasped for air, you had ran all the way there in that heavy dress. You were almost ready to pass out. You ran your fingers through your h/c hair, attempting to fix it as much as possible. You dusted off your dress as much as you could before raising a hand to knock.

You stopped dead as you heard a voice in the mansion.

" Whenever I see that VanDort girl, I will strangle her with my BARE HANDS!" Mr.Everglot said as his wife locked the front door.

" Your hands are too fat, and her neck is too thin." Mrs.Everglot said as she rolled her eyes and locked another lock on the door. " You'll have to use rope."

On the other side of the door, you shrunk away with a gasp. You'd have to find another way in to avoid the Everglots.


Death Do We Part ( Varian x Reader Corpse Bride AU )Where stories live. Discover now