Chapter 3

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Last night sucked. After walking around in the forest all day I couldn't find anything useful. No water, no food, no shelter. In the end I had to climb a big low hanging tree to sleep in and hope not to fall out of it while I slept.

Good news? I didn't fall and crack my head open, or snap my neck, or break my leg… Bad news? I still have nothing and my entire body was sore as hell and stiff from sleeping in the tree. If you could even call it sleep.

Throughout the night I could hear the different calls of animals all around me in the forest. Some were just straight, constant and annoying, others a bit terrifying. It's like the entire planet seems to come to life during the night.

I know dangerous things lurk in the forest. I heard plenty of them during the night. Now I know that shelter and weapons are going to be needed more than ever if I want to survive.

Scanning the surrounding area before I climbed down from the tree I didn't notice anything immediately life threatening. As I landed on the ground on my feet I nearly jumped in my skin at the sound of thunder.

Looking to the sky, sure enough clouds loomed overhead threatening me with a cold shower of rain. "just great…"

Slinging my satchel over my shoulder I started walking in search of something more than trees and bushes.

As hours of walking passed I felt my stomach protest its displeasure for the lack of sustenance. At this point I was just straight fed up with the simple fact I've not found anything, no food no water and so far the only animals I've seen are the stupid lizards in the trees who have been chittering for hours on end!

I covered my ears groaning at the annoying sound. "Will you all just shit up!" grabbing a stick off the ground I turned around and threw it at the small critters in the trees above.

To my surprise I actually hit one and it screeched before falling out of the tree onto the ground. I didn't actually mean to hurt them! It squirmed on its back in the dirt screeching and trying to get back to its feet. I stepped over to maybe possibly help it but then all the other lizards started screeching and flapping their little wings at me.

"I didn't mean to!" I started backing away as swarms of them started climbing down the trees or glided down to land all around me. Alone these tiny little creatures aren't all that terrifying but seeing a huge angry swarm of them? Yeah no fuck that.

They started hissing and before I knew it three were jumping on me and started biting me. "ow! Get off me!" I smacked one off my shoulder and flung off another on my arm. Their mouths were small so it wasn't excruciatingly painful but they still hurt! I grabbed the one off my back and threw it away from me only to have several more rush in to replace it. "ow! Get off!!"

I did my best to get them off and started running. The little alien lizards screeched and chased after me, occasionally jumping at me to bite anywhere they could. Fuck fuck fuck!!!

I grabbed a branch off the ground while running and used it to knock back any that tried attacking me from the front, like one would playing baseball.

One jumped on the back of my head clawing at my hair and I shrieked as it became tangled. Throwing the stick at a group of them I tried to get the one off my head while I ran. It bit my hand more than once before I flung it away. Another jumped on my arm biting me and drawing more blood and I used a tree to knock them off as I ran. Soon enough the swarm thinned out into nothing and I was no longer being chased.

My sprint slowed to a job and I found a tree to lean against to catch my breath. Looking at my arms I could feel the sting of multiple small cuts from being bit probably over a hundred times, all across my body. Okay rule one no fucking with the tree lizards!

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