chapter 59

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(Note: I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry 😭 I can't say it enough)


I held my breath waiting for the pain, waiting to be pierced by the spikes, the projectiles. I expected it to hurt. I expected to die as they tore through me, but as my heart raced in my chest and kept my arms over my head with my eyes squeezed shut, I felt nothing except warmth…

It was like someone had put a blanket over me as some form of protection. I waited for something to happen for my life to finally come to an end on this forsaken planet but as seconds ticked by and I felt nothing happening, I reluctantly opened my eyes. 

Immediately I realized where the warmth I felt was coming from as I found myself being hugged by a familiar face. 

“Kion?” I lowered my arms from over my head and his hold on my slowly relinquished as he trembled. His face was twisted into that of anguish but after a mental he finally opened his eyes and smiled. 

“I-i did it…I protected you.” He gave a pained chuckle as blue dripped from the corner of his mouth.

His strength seemed to leave his body as he leaned forward, unable to keep himself upright any longer. My eyes widened and realization dawned on me and I grabbed onto him going down with him to keep him from falling. “Kion!”

Only now could I see the spikes impeded into his backside as well as all the blood.

Elazar witnessed everything, horrified, before being overcome with rage and running towards us.

The draven pup that had come up Behind us snarled and stepped closer ready to pounce but stopped as an infuriated snarl rang out and a spear went flying towards the beast. 

The spear hit the creature in the back leg making it screech and jump back in fright. as Elazar ran at it with another weapon, it seemed to realize the danger and quickly retreated into the forest out of sight.

I watched Elazar chase it off before returning my full attention to kion who was slumped in my arms. “Kion? Kion! Why- why would you do that!?” I shouted before quickly removing the spikes impeded in his back. Tears stung my eyes as I removed my cloak and pressed it to the wound to try and stop the bleeding but there was too much… to much blood to much damage-

He coughed and seemingly had trouble breathing as he laid in my arms. “because- E-elazar would be sad without you… he needs you.” he spoke weakly.

Tears fell down my cheeks as I screamed a curse and tried to find some way to help the boy. After a moment it dawned on me that we were by the healing pond, maybe we could- 

As I looked towards the water, whatever hope I had for it, disappeared. The water was murky and nearly black. The shimmer It usually bore was gone. The dravens blood continuously trickled from its body and into the water, like poison. I doubted it was still capable of healing…

“Hey kora?” Kion spoke up again and I looked down at him still panicking, unsure how to fix this. “We're still gonna stay together right?”

I was at a loss for words and couldn't even utter a response to that question. “I think Elazars gonna be mad at me…” he choked up more blood and I moved my hand to kions head to run my fingers through his hair. It was the only thing I could think of to try and ease his pain.

“Yeah, we aren't going to leave you kion, we're a family… Elazar won't be mad at you–I think I think he would be proud of you.” I reassured him. 

Kion looked up at me before giving me the biggest smile he could muster as tears of happiness filled his eyes. “i always wanted that…”

“Kion!!!” Looking up I saw Elazar rushing back towards up, when he saw kion in my arms the look of true fear and anguish  made itself known. He quickly came over to us, falling to his knees beside the boy. 

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