chapter 51

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--3 days after the storm–


"Are we really going to your village?!" Kora exclaimed excitedly. 

"Yes" I answered for the fourth time with a sigh. 

"Do I get to meet some of your tribe mates?" She questioned.

"Oh! Can I show her my sleeping quarters!? And the underground hot springs!" Kion budded in excitedly. 

"What ?! you have a hot spring! Elazar you never mentioned that!" 

"Yeah! It's in a cave really close to the village! I can show you once we get there and we can go swimming! Then we can go to the sensuka tree and make a wish!"

Groaning out of frustration I stopped in my tracks, halting our advance to the tribe to face both kora and kion. "No! There will be no swimming or running around the village grounds this trip is not one of fun and childish games! You cannot simply go to an unfamiliar place and run around freely like a crazed kit!"

Kion sulked as Kora crossed her arms over her chest unimpressed and muttered something under her breath. "Obviously someone's never been on a field trip."

Running my hand over my face I looked at them seriously. "We may  have rid ourselves of the issue with the humans but that's no reason to think that our troubles are over. Our people may not see reason when it comes to letting a human join us so I cannot simply walk you in there and introduce you as a new member. We must take things slow."

The duo seemed to understand what I was trying to express but still didn't seem too happy. I understood their frustration, they were excited, but it was still too dangerous, we needed time. Stepping forward I placed my hand on Kora's cheek.

"As much as I want this to be done, we need to stay cautious. The only reason I'm bringing you with today is so that you will be close to me. too many times have you fallen into danger when left alone. The forest is a relentless beast that will attack at any moment of weakness. I brought you here so that you will be close enough for me to protect but you still must keep your distance."

"I understand…" her gaze lowered in disappointment as her hand joined mine and I felt a pang in my chest. I wished for nothing more than to have kora with me in the village but that had to wait just a bit longer. I needed to speak to Roku and the others I needed to make sure things were settled down first.

"When we get to the village you will stay hidden in the forest at a distance so that no one sees you." I adjusted koras hood to cover her face a bit more and tightened the rope around her waist to make sure it was secure. The disguise would work well from a distance. As long as no one gets too close they won't realize she's an intruder or a human. "You will stay hidden and wait for us." I stared hard at her.

She lifted her head a bit to look me in the eye and I could already see the spark of mischief in her eyes."but what if-"

A low growl rumbled in my chest quickly cutting her off. "Kora."

"Okay okay I was just joking, I promise I'll stay hidden. No one will see me! Out of sight out of mind!" She raised her hands as I gave her a hard look before nodding. 

Turning to kion he straightened himself immediately and gave me his full attention. "You and I will gather the things we need first then find roku and paku to speak with them. You still have all the stuff?" 

"Of course!" Kion removed the human weapon he had been carrying over his shoulder and handed it to me. The weapon kora referred to as a 'Rifle' one of many kinds of 'guns that the humans use. 

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