Chapter- 8

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–2 days later–


Starting up at the treetops I could see the lizard bird things frolicing about, munching on leaves and seeds from the trees, going about their own daily lives, carefree as they could be. My stomach growling grabbed my attention and I groaned before rubbing my hand over the area.

I'm starving…the last of the fruit ran so I haven't eaten since before yesterday, and having only fruit to sustain me thus far has made me weaker. I'm not sure how long I actually have before my body really hits a decline. 

Closing my eyes I took a deep breath and continued walking forward, making my way to the river. I have to find something to eat. The plan was to maybe somehow find fish or some kind of small critter I could cook up and eat.

But for that I need a trap or weapon to hunt with. Pushing forward I made my way to the twisted root forest, passing by the marked trees. I've not seen nor heard anything for the past few days from that creature, and there's been no natives in the area from what I can tell.

Once I made it to the small tunnel I groaned seeing how muddy it was and started crawling through. This is just my luck, by the time I managed to crawl through the tunnel I was covered in mud and felt disgusting.  

I would be able to wash off at the river but going back home I would just become filthy again. Great.

As I approached the exit, the roots thinned out a bit, letting more light into the small space. I crawled forward ready to climb out only to pull back as I saw a blur rush towards me from the side. I shrieked as claws nearly slashed me, and an angry yowl sounded from the beast outside. 

I scooted back further into the tunnel, scared from the sudden attack as the wild animal dug at the roots and entrance trying to squeeze inside. 

It snarled and clawed at the den, managing to stick its head and front claws in to try and get to me. This thing looked like some kind of alien saber-cat with two giant fangs, furr and four eyes. It growled and swatted at me again, just barely managing to reach me and scratch my arm. I recoiled a bit only to get stuck in place because of an out laying root behind me. I yelped and looked at the claw marks across my bleeding arm, they weren't too deep but still hurt like a bitch. Shit! 

I frantically tried to crawl backwards to get out of the tunnel but the space was so tight, I could turn around or look back in order to navigate through it.

The saber cat growled and tried crawling further into the hole and my eyes widened in fear as I realized I might be screwed for real this time.

The animal growled down at me before suddenly yelping and squirming back pulling itself out of the tunnel in a panic. I watched confused as it jumped away and snarled. I noticed something lodged in its back leg that was making it bleed and it took a moment for me to realize it was an arrow. 

The saber hissed and lunged at an approaching figure and I watched as the animal rolled on the ground with another dark beast and they struggled against one another. 

The dark beast obtained a few cuts from the cat's claws before finally pinning down two of its front claws and plunging a knife into the creature's neck. There was a gurgle sound almost like a yelp before the massive alien cat's body went limp.

The dark figure moved away and stood up on its hind legs and I quickly realized it wasn't another animal, it was one of the natives.

I watched as he stood above the now dead animal then crouched down to inspect it, with his tail swishing around behind him. I couldn't see anything up past his shoulders as he turned the saber over and started speaking in another language. 

Another native stepped in front of the hole I was hiding in and I flinched back at his sudden appearance. They both started communicating, pointing at the cat and inspecting its fur. 

Curious, I tried to listen in on what they were saying but only really caught two words. Food, and broken? I squinted to see the one who fought the cat reached over to something on the ground that he must have dropped in the fight. 

He lifted up two sticks connected by a string and showed it to the other native. After getting a better look at it I realized it was his bow, it had snapped in half during the struggle.  The native grunted in irritation before tossing the broken now away.

I also took note of how the cat and injured native both bled blue blood from their injuries, is that the color for all of xanadis's creatures?

When the crouched one gestured to the hole I was in I paled. Fuck! Please don't look, please!

The one standing closest crouched down by the entrance and I ducked down practically hiding my face in the mud and holding as still as possible. My heart was racing in my chest and I worried they be able to hear it pounding against my ribcage.

After a moment of silence they both started speaking to each other again and I glanced up to see both natives grabbing the dead cat to move its body and haul it away. 

They…they didn't see me? Looking at my arm I could see my skin was nearly completely covered in a layer of mud and dirt so I nearly blended into the dark of the tunnel. 

I waited for what seemed like forever until I was sure the natives were long gone, before I crawled out of my hole. I was cautious as I looked around for any sign of them, and relaxed when I saw nothing. Going over to the river I washed myself off to the best of my ability and carefully inspected the scratch on my arm, with a wince. 

I  got lucky. Again. Sitting down to take a breather I sliced a piece of fabric from my shirt, thoroughly cleaned it in the water and hung it to dry so that I could use it to bandage my arm. 

They didn't see me…I managed to blend into the dark enough that they completely overlooked me. Looking at my hand, so many ideas came to mind at this new aspect. I can avoid them by blending into dark areas…or even at night. 

My dark hair shouldn't stick out as much as the rest of me so I would just need to cover my skin. Although the thought of covering myself in mud all the time really wasn't all that appealing. 

But camouflage would be useful when it comes to hunting that's for sure so I have to come up with something. Not to mention I'll need a weapon I could use. Something silent that I could-

Glancing back at the discarded bow I grabbed it and inspected the broken weapon. The sting was still intact but even if the wood hadn't broken, it would be much too big for me to properly use…

Maybe I could make my own?

The idea had me parking up as I thought about how much a bow might actually help me in this situation.

Looking around I also found the arrow, the native had fired into the cat and grabbed it as well.  Scavenging the bow string and arrow I collected my water, tied the cloth around my arm and made my way back home. 

I need to find something durable yet flexible enough to make a bow with. I've seen a few tree saplings I might be able to use in this area but I only have one arrow. Unless I can somehow scavenge some more but that means getting close to the natives or finding them which has already proven to be dangerous.

But if I can hunt then I can survive. I can make new blankets and clothes with fur, I can eat meat and regain my strength. 

So many thoughts were coursing through my head that I didn't even hear the stranger approaching me from behind. A snap of a branch caught my attention. And I spun around with the arrow in hand like a weapon as I faced my new pursuer. 

Pointing the arrow tip towards him to use it like a knife I quickly backed away a few steps and looked at the person before me.

It was a man with short brown hair, some stubble across his face wearing normal clothes and a backpack. There was a basic knife attached to his belt as well as a canteen hanging from his pack. 

He held up his hands, seeming cautious as he looked at my weapon and then at me. "hey there…what's your name?"

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