chapter 37

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Dread and worry were plaguing my mind the entire trip back to the hunters cave. I worried for koras safety. She wouldn't be able to defend herself against a group of hunters should they find her. 

It was already late in the day meaning those hunters have had a decent head start and have had plenty of time to search the area.

Faux she doesn't even know that she is in danger. Neither of us did until now. Had she wandered outside for any reason they may have found her. If they do find her, Paku will want vengeance for his brother. She wouldn't be given a chance to defend herself even with how much of a disadvantage she's at.

I dreaded that idea. I didn't want to lose her, no matter how selfish it may be of me now. Yet at the same time I dreaded the fact that she may have killed one of my tribesmen, mutilated his body and stolen his belongings… I found it hard to accept that kora would do such a thing. It's not like her. At least that's what I keep telling myself.

There's no telling what kora may actually be capable of after all, she's human. Slowing my pace as I approached the area I tightened my grip on my spear. 

Had she done it in self defense I would not fault her in any way but to disgrace one's body after death? My mind can not think of any reason for a being to do such a thing with reasonable cause.

It's a sign of disrespect, something that would anger the spirits and bring bad luck to any who would dare to do such a thing. 

I have to know why, I need to confront her about this and figure out if it's true. 

Being mindful of my surroundings I  glanced around the area for any signs of hunters lurking about. When I found none, I quickly approached the cave, pushing aside the vines covering the entrance. 

To my dismay the cave was empty. The fire mere embers, which suggested Kora had been absent for a while. 

Cursing to myself I went back outside hastily scanned the area looking for a trail that might have been left behind that would show me where she would have gone.

As my eyes wandered along the ground I noticed footprints left behind by kora's strange foot coverings and quickly started to follow them Into the forest. Her trail led to one of the areas we frequented in the mornings to gather food but soon changed direction going further into drakov territory. 

New worry bloomed in my chest as I picked up the pace. Why would she come out this way?! I needed to find kora as soon as possible-

The rustle of bushes from nearby had my senses on high alert as I spun to face the incoming threat, spear ready in hand. Was it a wild animal or possibly someone from paku's group? I can't let them see me out here and find out about Kora, if they haven't already found her.

 Looking back at a large tree behind me I quickly strapped my spear to my back and quietly stepped over climbing up into the branches high above as swiftly and silently as possible. 

Positioning myself on a thicker tree limb hidden by the various leaves and vines I crouched down and watched through a few sparse gaps below me to see what would come out of the bushes. Hoping that whoever or whatever was coming didn't hear me climbing up the tree.

 Kora came blindly stumbling out of the thick foliage in a panic pushing away the branches and leaves around her with her arms, ignoring the cuts and scratches left behind on her skin as twigs whipped at her.

"Kora…" I whispered to myself. Some relief washed over me as I lowered my guard, but I didn't miss the small female's disheveled appearance or her wild eyes as she looked back from where she had come from, backing away cautiously, knife in hand, ready to use. Something had spooked her.

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