Chapter 20

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She stood near the edge of the pond in a trance as I grabbed something from my sack, stood up and walked over to her. She jumped a bit startled as I came up beside her. Her eyes locked onto me and she watched as I stepped into the pool of water. 

I was knee deep when I turned around and held out my hand for her to take. She seemed hesitant as she looked at my hand unsure and after a moment of stillness I thought she might back away and flee. But to my surprise she reached out to take my hand. 

Removing the fur blanket from her shoulders she left it on the shore and stepped into the water towards me. Her eyes not once, leaving mine and I swear my heart skipped a beat.

My entire body seemed to freeze, seeing the sparkle in her eyes and I lost all train of thought as she stood before me and tilted her head. Her body was so round and pale and Her hand was so small and dainty in my own I was almost afraid I might hurt her just from holding it. She was so small and weak yet alluring…

Something primal inside of me wanted nothing more than to hold her against my body and protect the small female. She's hardly fit enough to protect herself and doesn't even carry any weapons besides the knife, from what I can tell. I can't seem to wrap my head around how she's survived out here on her own. 

My eyes moved to her hair as I reached out towards her and removed a small leaf from her mane. The female flitched in response before realizing I was not hurting her, and relaxed. a thought came to mind as I rubbed the silky strands between my fingers. If she's looking for a mate then– would it be possible–

Her gaze moved to our joined hands and I quickly let her go and turned away to redirect my focus. I shouldn't be thinking about such things.

Removing my attire I moved deeper into the water and threw my leathers onto land so they would not get wet, before clearing my throat to speak up. "Come, you should fully submerge your injuries and let them soak…"  I beckoned her over with a simple hand signal and she watched me with curiosity.

She moved deeper into the water and eyed me carefully as I did my best to avoid her gaze. "I'll wash off then get out. You should be fine to stay in here for a while, by morning your wounds will be less likely to rip open from you moving around." 

Wiping the blood from my arms I made quick work of cleaning myself off before striding out of the pool and back over to the supplies. Once she's finished I'll give her some food and she can rest some more while I try to figure out what I'm going to do with the female. 

The slightest sense of being watched poked at the back of my neck and I glanced back to see the tiny human gawking at my body. I immediately noticed the reddish tint across her face and my mind raced to the worst possible conclusion, that she had a fever and may be sick. she realized I saw her and she turned away and redirected her focus to something else. 

She shouldn't be sick, I treated all her injuries and gave her medicine, had she been bitten by something while she slept? She wouldn't even be aware of the pain from a bite because of the medicine I gave her. I need to check her for any bite marks that may be red or infected, but if I try searching her now, I could frighten her.

Rise of The Fallen (unedited Version) (COMPLETED)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt