chapter 57

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Pushing some large ferns aside I smiled upon seeing a flourishing cluster of small plants. The majority of said plants were covered In tiny blueish-green leaves with vibrant red stems. 

Digging through the dirt around the stems I loosened the soil around each one before grabbing them by the base and pulling them from the ground.  They all came out with ease, their roots thick and hearty with a similar red color to the stem. 

These were probably one of my favorite plants to eat, and aren't very easy to find. Elazar told me this plant in particular likes the shade so it often grows beneath the outstretched palms of larger flora. 

Wiping some of the dirt clubs off the roots I set them in the basket filled with other herbs, berries and fruits, at my side. 

This was the second basket I had completely filled, this much food would last me and El for at  least three or four weeks. But I know that this probably wouldn't even feed half his tribe for a single day. 

Sitting on my knees I glanced around at my surroundings and the forest was bathed in an orange light from the setting sun's. It's been a few hours and night will be falling soon, I wonder if El has managed to hunt anything yet? 

Looking back down at the basket of food I quickly organized it a bit and covered everything with cloth to keep any of it from getting dirty or falling out. 

Placing my hand on a tree beside me I hoisted myself up off the ground and lifted the basket. 

Walking a short distance away through the trees I found the rest of our stuff and set the basket down beside it.  Looking over to the third basket I smiled, seeing that there were about five small animals that kion had caught, inside. 

A thump behind me followed by the sound of crushing leaves startled me and I spun around to see the little devil himself standing up after jumping down from the tree above, with two more rabbit-like creatures in his hands. “I caught two more!”

“Jesus kion, you keep doing that and you are gonna give someone a heart attack!” I breathed, shaking my head. 

“Sorry-” he winced before adding the fresh kill to the basket with the others. Looking back to all the food I carefully inspected it all and organized what we had. 

“You think this would be enough?” 

Kion crouched down beside me and picked up some of the roots I had just gathered and inspected them. “I think so!” He replied enthusiastically. “The tribe can easily cut up all these roots and herbs, throw them in a pot of water and boil them into a meal that should feed mostly everyone.”

“You mean like a soup? So you guys will cook your veggies but not your meat?” I questioned.

“it's mostly just to soften up the ones that are harder to eat- sometimes we use animal fat to give it flavor but besides that…”

“hmph, got it. I'll have to learn what herbs go best in a soup, it'll be nice to make some pot roast.” I smiled at the thought.

“Hey kora?...” Kion spoke up. 

“yeah?” I turned my head over towards him and found him nervously rocking on his heels, avoiding my gaze. 

“if you and Elazar decide to leave…can I come with you?” He asked quietly, his eyes briefly glancing up at me before looking away. 

His request took me by surprise. I knew he liked hanging out with us but I thought kion liked their tribe and his home? “Why do you want to leave your home? What about your friends and family? It wouldn't be safe–”

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