Chapter 18

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How the fuck do I always get myself into trouble? Like seriously am I cursed? Am I just really that unlucky? 

Coming back up to the surface I coughed and wiped the water from my face with my hands. What the fuck? I looked around while wading in the water, seeing the strange pool of water we were in. Where did this spring come from?! 

A splash beside me made me hault in my confusion as the big alien native surfaced and growled, copying my actions he wiped the water from his eyes and moved the wet strands of hair from his face. He blinked a few times before looking at me and my eyes widened In realization.

Fuck! I gotta get out of here! I turned around and tried my best to move away from the bastard swimming and trying my best to walk in the shoulder deep waters on my tippy toes to the other side of the pond.

"nai! Setkai moniave!" he shouted from behind me and I could hear the sloshing as he came after me.

Unfortunately he was a lot taller and the waters only reached up to his chest making it easier for the guy to move in the springs.

Before I could reach the end of the pond he grabbed my arm and I spun around grabbing his wrist to make him let go of me with some feeble grunts. Of course he wasn't even phased as I tried digging my nails into his skin so I started angrily smacking his forearm with my fist and shouting. 

His tail slammed down against the water's surface with a big splash behind him showing his clear frustration over the situation.

"Let go of me, you big stupid alien pervert!" he growled and pulled me closer to grab my other wrist with his free hand to restrain me but I wasn't done. I still have legs to kick with and a mouth to bite with, like hell I was going down without a fight.

As I struggled to pull my arms free I kicked at him under the water hoping to hit him where it hurt most but the first two kicks seemed to only land on his thigh and stomach. And before I could kick again something coiled around my leg underneath the water's surface, keeping me from pulling my leg back for another blow.

He spoke up again, angrily spatting out gibberish in his language and I only managed to catch a few words. 'hurt' bleeding' and what I thought was "nai" or 'stop'.

I glared up at the native angrily after feebly trying to pull away, but with my current position I was stuck and we were at a sort of standstill. If I tried kicking him with my free leg I would lose my balance and sink into the water. And if he let go of any of my limbs I would lash out and attack him.

Silence ensued as we glared at each other intently. I could see his eye twitch and his gaze lower to the water to look at what I assumed was my breasts. My face immediately heated as my will to fight back came flaring back to life and I snapped at him angrily. "You freaking pervert! Let me go or I'll cut off your dick!" 

He flinched back at my harsh tone and tightened his grip on my limbs as I struggled to pull away once again.

The fucking nerve of this guy! How dare he strip me while I was sleeping, grope me, and now he's eyeing my naked body! I swear im gonna-

"nai!" he snapped at me again with a snarl and nodded his head at the water before saying something else about blood in his language. 

Confused, I stopped my struggles for a moment and looked down at the water, seeing a bit of red bleeding into the crystal pool. 

Oh. I'm the one that's bleeding…

Taking my momentary shock as a chance to move, he released his hold on my leg, released it and he pulled me closer and ushered us to the edge of the water. He let go of my injured arm and tried to my butt but I quickly shaped his hand under the water and gave him a growl of my own much to his surprise. Instead he grabbed my hips and lifted me out enough that I could crawl onto the rocky shore and back into the grass. 

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