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"What do you think?" I asked him while we were on the bus. He kept looking around with wide eyes and studying anything that passed.

"I am still in shock honestly. I don't know what to think. It's all new"

"It's okay, Kai (THIS IS NOT NATES SON). You'll learn everything. I will help you"

"But aren't we too young? We're fourteen"

Honestly, I had the same worries as him, but I didn't want him to be scared anymore so I tried to act calm and happy.

"Of course, we can't do it completely on our own. I have an aunt who sends me money every month and lets me stay at the house she owns"

"Oh, will she be staying with us?" He asked trying to hide his worry.

He is probably scared of meeting a stranger.

"No, it will just be the two of us" I assured him touching his forearm soothingly.

My aunt lived in a city far away from this one. She didn't have any kids and I was her only niece, so when she found out about what happened to my parents, she started sending me all the money she could every month and let me stay at the house she owns here.

He let out a sigh of relief and smiled, "Okay"

When the bus was about to stop at our stop, I took his hand and we stood up. He almost fell, but I helped him stand straight, "Be careful when standing on the bus. You could fall and hurt yourself or others"

He nodded, his face red from embarrassment and mumbled a 'sorry'

We got down from the bus and then we had to walk a little to get to the house. Kai kept looking around during the walk. He was probably fascinated by everything.

"Here we are" I announced once we reached it.

I took out my keys and unlocked the door.

"Do you like it?" I asked him once we got in.

It wasn't much, but it wasn't bad either. It was small, but that was better in our situation.

He looked at me with a smile, "Yes, I love it. Thank you, Hanon and I'm sorry" He apologized.

"What for?"

"For dragging you into this" He confessed with his head down.

I sighed and held his face to make him look at me,"There is no reason to apologize. I am doing this willingly. I wanted to help you. Now, how about we stop thinking negatively and look around the house?" I finished with a smile and let go of his face.

He smiled subtly and nodded, "Yes"


HIII omg I missed this SO much. Honestly i was never planning to write another book. I thought wattpad was over for me BUT it happened and here we are!

about the names Kai is not Nates son, he is just a random boy and Hanon, Idk honestly i dont even know if thats a name, its just what came to my head and I liked it so I stuck with it.

WARNING this book will have many mature scenes so if you want to skip it I will let you know where it starts and where it ends. Also this book will have a darker theme and the romance will be more dark and intense as it goes (not too much) so if youre not into that im letting you know now. it will also be a rollercoaster so get ready.

I honestly dont think this book will be successful because I havent really ever seen this concept on wattpad, but I still wanted to share it anyway because I loved it so much.

i hope you enjoy reading and if you dont, I hope youre not mean about it. Also, if you see any spelling or grammar mistakes or typos please let me know, english isnt my first language.

Thats all so...Happy reading!!

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