Biggest Mistake

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I left home with a bitter feeling. It didn't feel right leaving Kai alone to go on a date. Maybe I wasn't used to going out with anyone but him and I would soon get over it, but I couldn't stop thinking about how sad he looked when I left.

He must be lonely.

I sighed and decided to stop thinking about it. As I looked around to see if I had come to the right place, I saw Isaac in the distance and walked to him.

"Hi!" I greeted him with a smile.

I felt bad because the smile was forced.

"Hi, you look beautiful" He complimented me, looking me up and down.

"Thank you"

Honestly, all I did was look presentable and he was probably saying that just to be nice. 

"Let's go" He told me and gave me his hand.

I reluctantly took his hand and followed him.

This just doesn't feel right. Maybe I shouldn't have given him a chance.

"You'll see"


Isaac took us to a restaurant. I felt good that we were at a place with people around and not some secluded place. I didn't feel comfortable enough with him to be alone.

There was no reason, I was just paranoid and looking for every reason to not like this because it didn't feel right.

I feel bad. I am getting his hopes up. I am a terrible person.

"Isaac, again, thank you so much for taking care of everything" I thanked him once again.

We had now left the restaurant and were taking a walk.

"It's nothing. It's what anyone would've done"

"Well, no one else did, so thank you" I smiled at him, "Oh and thank for the date and everything. I loved it" I told him.

He chuckled, "I just hope we get to do that again"

I tried to hide how awkward I felt about this and smiled, "Yes, sure"

How do I cut this short without it being too awkward?

I looked at the time on my phone and gasped, "Oh, look at the time! I have to be home in a bit" I lied.

"Really!? I will drive you. Come on"

"No, no, no. It's like, very close so it's not a big deal" I lied, once again.

"But you have to take a bus?" He tilted his head in confusion.

"Yes! But it's only like, two stops. I am just too lazy to walk"

"Well, if you're lazy I can drive you. You don't have to wait in the cold for the bus and pay for the ticket"

I totally messed up by telling him I have to be home soon.

"Okay" I mumbled and followed him. He gave me a bright smile and led us to his car,

I was still thinking of an excuse all the way there. He opened the door for me and I was about to go in, but I suddenly came up with an idea.

"Actually, I'm kind of scared of getting into cars. Especially with people I don't know that well"

He gave me a defeated look, "But we are together every day. Do I seem like a creepy person?" The way he asked was as if he was genuinely concerned that he looked creepy and it made me feel worse.

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