Want Me

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"No one hit me, I just hit my wrist on the counter" She mumbled with eyes glossy as I applied the cream on her bruised wrist.

"Hanon" I called her name and looked into her eyes, "You can tell me the truth. Don't you trust me?"

"It's just-It's not important. I don't want you to get mad and do anything"

"I won't do that. The most important thing is taking care of you" I soothed her rubbing the cream in.

"Thank you, Kai. What would I do without you?"

You'd be better.

"Will you tell me who made you like that?" I asked, "It's better to talk about it than to be in pain alone. You told me that"

She sighed, "It's just a person at work"

"Is it your boss?" I asked eager to know who it was.

"No, a coworker"

"Mhm, are they a man?"

"That's enough. I'm tired" She avoided the question and yawned.

Then, it is a man.

"Go to sleep now. You must be tired" I whispered giving her a kiss on the forehead.

"You'll stay with me?"

I couldn't help the smile that formed on my lips at her question.

I'll always stay with you.

"Of course"

We lay down next to each other and I held her in my arms.

"Goodnight, my Hanon"

"Goodnight, Kai"

She fell asleep really quick since she was probably exhausted both mentally and physically. I carefully stood up from the bed and shook her a little to see if she wakes up. She didn't and she seemed to be in a very deep sleep.

"I'll be back" I kissed my finger and then put it on her lips.

I left the room quietly and closed the door, locking it so that she can't get out if she wakes up. I would just make an excuse if she woke up.

The window was closed too, so no one could get in.

I let out a sigh of relief and then walked to my room to change and put outdoor clothes on. Before I left the house, I made sure all the windows and doors were locked once again.

I couldn't risk anything happening to her while I was away.

I wish I could get a camera and watch over her.

"Crazy" I muttered.

I couldn't invade her privacy like that, but I was anxious.

I took the bus and went to the place she works. She didn't know that, but I knew where she worked.

It was useful when I had to do things like this.

I stood outside the shop. It was open twenty four hours a day, so it didn't matter that it was late.

After waiting for a while, I saw two men leaving the cafe. I couldn't make out their faces, but I could see they were wearing a shirt with the logo of the company. I smirked and hid behind a wall.

"If it wasn't for that bitch being lazy we wouldn't have to work so much" One said.

"Hey, you're the one constantly making her life a living hell" The other guy said.

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