Cunning Pt.2

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Arnold took me to the highest floor, led me down a long hall and finally, we reached a door. I had only been to this floor once before, when I sneaked out to see my mom and I must admit, it was really like a maze. It was also the fourth floor, so it was too high to jump off and escape. My childhood room was on the third floor.

There were two people outside the door. Probably security by the looks of them.

"These two will always be here for security. Paul will be right outside your door for anything you need" He gestured towards one of the bodyguards, "And John will be patrolling the hall in case something happens"

I didn't bother to greet the guards. If I was planning to "be on my father's side", I would also have to act like him. At least, in front of his people and Arnold looked like his loyal dog.

The guards stepped aside for us to go in. The room was surprisingly very nice. It looked nothing like my old room. It had freshly painted light brown walls instead of that sickly white. It had a huge bed, an actual closet and some other furniture, instead of being empty.

And it had a window instead of being closed off and suffocating. 

"This is your room. I hope you like it" Arnold smiled. His smile wasn't friendly or welcoming. He smiled a lot, but it seemed dishonest. 

"Any questions, sir?" He asked.

"Yes. Who else lives on this floor"

"Well, right now, nobody"

I was confused at his answer. I was prepared to hear that my mother also lived here.

Could this mean she's dead? Or she's escaped? Maybe they're divorced?

"Then what about my father's wife?"

I deliberately didn't call her mother so that they wouldn't get the wrong idea that Icared about her.

"Oh, she lives on the third floor"

What? Why would he put her there? That floor was empty, but so suffocating. They had a bad relationship, but still, I didn't think he would imprison her like this.

"I see. When do my classes start?"

"Tomorrow. You can take a shower and rest now. It's late"

"There is a bathroom here?"

"Yes, it's right there" He pointed to the door next to the bed.

This room was really nice and comfortable, but I knew that it was like that, only to mislead me so that I wouldn't notice how bad this place really was. As if I didn't already know that.

"You can leave now" I told him.

He nodded and left the room, closing the door behind him.

The shower had everything I could need, so I was glad I didn't have to go down and ask for anything. The shampoo and shower gel were for men, so they smelled more manly. It made me miss Hanon's light and sweet scent. I liked smelling it on my body and having the same scent as her.

Back then, that was the only way I could feel her close. I wasn't allowed any other way yet.

I sat on the bed with my bath robe on and took out the container with her lotion. Breathing it in was like breathing for the first time after almost suffocating. I was glad I at least had this.

I put pyjamas on. There were clothes and pyjamas in the closet in various sizes. Of course they didn't know my size, so they bought different ones.

I must admit it looks like he is really trying hard to make me feel at home.

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