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I lied on Kai's bed and stared at the ceiling.

He called me.

He called me a couple days ago. I knew it was him.

So why can't he call again? I need him to call again.

I wanted to hear him. Hear his voice. I knew how to get it out of him even if he didn't want to and this time, I would. I couldn't stand this loneliness anymore. This emptiness. 

I took my phone in my hands and stared at it. I've never held my phone for so long before. It was old and I was thankful that it was still working, but I never really needed it. This time, however,  I kept staring at it, hoping I would see 'Unknown number' pop up on my screen again.

"Please, Kai" I pleaded silently.

After several minutes of staring at it, I gave up with a sigh and dropped it on the nightstand.


Why couldn't he call again? Was he in danger?

"Who am I kidding? He's definitely in danger"

Tears went down my face at the thought of it. How did they treat him? Was it the same as before?

The crazy thought of going there went through my head for a second, but I quickly dismissed it. It would be ridiculously stupid.

I turned on my stomach and breathed in the scent of the sheets. It didn't smell like him anymore. I cried even harder. Almost all his traces were erased and I felt like he had never been there.

I closed my eyes and tried to sleep, but sleep didn't come. I felt on edge, there was no way I could sleep.

The next day at work, I was a mess. I felt so tired from the lack of sleep and the time went by so slow.

I was on my break in the staff room when I noticed something where I usually leave my stuff.

Why didn't I see it this morning?

I opened it and it seemed like a letter.

I'm being watched and this is the only way to communicate. How are you? Kai's doing okay, in case you wanted to know. Answer me in a note in the same place and I'll see it later when my shift starts.


It was written as if he was in a hurry.

Poor Cameron is in the middle of this and he doesn't even want to.

I sat down and started writing. I told him I was good, but to tell Kai I'd missed him. I asked him how he was doing and how they were treating him and I also apologized for the mess and my previous behavior.

I left the note in the same place and went back to work.

When Kai was home, I used to be so eager to leave work. Now that Kai wasn't home, I didn't mind being late. In fact, I felt safer here with all the people. I was struggling yo sleep back home because I was scared someone would come and hurt me. Even when I slept, I would wake up multiple times and it felt like I was never in deep sleep.

This night was the same.


"You're not looking too good, Hanon. Is everything alright?" Ella asked me.

"Yes, why?" I quickly smiled to appear more lively.  People have been saying that to me a lot lately.

"You know, I don't mean to be rude but, you look really tired. Do you want to go in the back and get some sleep? We're not super busy today" She whispered to me.

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