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I woke up in the middle of the night, panting. I had a nightmare. I didn't exactly remember what it was, but Hanon was in it. I lied back down and tried to calm myself down.

I took out her picture from my drawer and looked at it, kissed it. letting it linger on my lips for longer than necessary.

"I love you" I whispered staring at her face. My gaze dropped to my phone on the nightstand. Maybe the nightmare was a sign that something is wrong? Maybe she's in danger?

I was getting anxious and as much as I thought about father's punishment if he found out, I couldn't help but dial her number.

It was the middle of the night, but I was desperate to talk to her.

"Yes?" I heard her sleepy voice on the other end.

Listening to her voice felt like finding cold water in the middle of the desert.

"Who is this?" She mumbled sleepily. I heard the sound of rustling sheets.

My sleepy girl. She looks so pretty when she sleeps. How I wished I could see her right then. Hug her and kiss her.

I stayed silent.

"Kai?" She called my name, "I'm assuming it's you. Who else would call me?" She giggled.

Her sweet, little, sleepy giggle.

Already calling again?" She chuckled and I heard rustling, "You can't talk again. I see"

"I'm in your bed again" She said suddenly serious, "I missed you. I missed your warmth and your scent"

I missed you too. I missed everything. Your face, your hair, your body. Your laugh, your voice, your scent, your expressions, your actions. You.

"If I knew where you are I'd come running" She admitted, "I feel like I understand you now. How you always wanted to be close. Right now I want to be close to you too"

I closed my eyes and breathed in silently.

I wanted to be close as well. As close as possible.

"Kai, I miss you and I miss.."

She sounded embarrassed so I was suddenly very curious about what she meant.

"I missed...I missed it. I-I mean when you..ugh" She let out a frustrated sound.

I bet you have a pretty blush on your face right now.

If I were there I would lick it until you were all red.

I let out a frustrated breath, trying to calm myself down.

"I don't know how to say it"

Say it, just please, say it.

"I missed your touch"

I let out a harsh breath and cupped my lower body over my pants, feeling a rush of excitement.

Does she mean what I think she means, or am I just being dirty?

"I mean I-I missed you touching me"

The more she talked, the more I felt myself grow under my hand. 

"It's just sometimes I get really...sometimes when I think about you I-"

Dammit Hanon, say it.

"I get really needy" She whispered.

My eyes shut and I let out a quiet moan at her words.

Please just tell me what you do when you feel that way.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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