Chapter 2: St. Louis of the Past

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Dark roamed the streets, getting stares from him, but a police force stopped him, "Sir, please get out of the mech suit thing," an officer yelled, Dark looked down to see the Assassinoid was still equipped on him, "Guessing the gen one model was still in secret," Bouk stated, and Dark's Assassinoid glow white before dissipating into the air, forming into a ring on their right hand. Dark dropped from the height they stood at within the Assassinoid "Excuse me, sir," Dark stated, "I forgot I was in that thing after I landed," they added, "So your the thing that was dropping out the sky," the officer mumbled, and people started to gather around to see what was happening with rumors, gossip, and mumbling and Dark looked around, "But sir, you are carrying weapons, that you need a permit for," the police officer explained, "The guns," Dark asks, "Yes, the guns," the officer responds, "May I reach into my pocket sir," Dark asks, and the officer gave them the go ahead, and Dark reached into their pocket to grab the permit, and it was closed right now, but Dark shook it a little and it opened up into a holographic card. "Ah, I am sorry for the trouble, seems like us people in the past can't really do anything right now with your technology," The officer stated, getting back into the patrol car and driving off. Still, then, there was a sudden commotion on the bridge between the state of Illinois and Missouri.

Dark ran over to the bridge to see creatures, then another kid dressed in all black dropped down, "Why do you look like me," the kid asks, "Look kid, go back to the city, you'll be safe there," Dark stated, "That was us when the body was fourteen," Unknown thought, "It's a long time, I think the artificial heart needs some revamping," Bouk thought, with a hologram levitating above Dark's arm, and tweaking a few things with artificial heart. "It's show time," Dark said, withdrawing hidden blades from under their sleeves, using the one on the right as a grapple, and landing on the side of the creature, slicing it, "Let me take control," Unknown thought and so Unknown took the body's string wheel and leaped off the creature withdrawing the sword floating on their back with the left hand, and Dark charged slashing heavily with footsteps that sounds like it was going to break the cement, the creature's shell broke, and what came out of it horrified the people around them, even Unknown, "Let me take it back," Bouk stated, returning to the body. Bouk returned Unknown's sword to the back, and withdrew the God Breaker, hitting it quickly with footsteps mouse quiet, and with the creature's slash marks, glows brightly, making more liquid balls fly out of the scars, and when splashing on the ground creating more.

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