Chapter 4: Domain Access

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As Dark got ready for bed, they lay there "Ready to sleep" Unknown asked, and Dark closed their eyes.

As the mind travels back to the domain, Bouk and Unknown are dropped out of the gateway, then a rumble from the basement of the domain, so they both went and investigate to see if it was active, and it turns out, it was Phantom and Frostlyon, "What was that," Arya yelled, "We are wondering about that you know, with the whole rumbling things that keep happening here," Vixen adds on to Arya's statement. "Don't worry about it you two," Bouk yelled.

As Dark woke up staring at the ceiling, Dark checked the date, "This is the day I die," Dark mumbled, "We got no time," Unknown thought, and Dark quickly got out of bed and jumped out of the window without their equipment.

Dark landed on the roof of a car, and with the wind blowing against him his jacked levitated, and danced in the wind, But Dark has no time, he jumped around from car to car. Dark finally tracked Keir, and so they rushed over as quickly as possible, pushing people out of the way, "So, you want to play assassin huh kid," a thug said, from an alleyway that Dark reached, "Dude, look" the second thug stated, and Dark's shadow loomed over them, "I am not one to be in the light," they stated beaming red eyes among the darkness that hides their face. The thugs started to rush Dark, and Dark grabs the third thug's crowbar, while fighting the second thug off, punching him in the face, Dark moved on, ripping the crowbar out of the third thug's hands, grabbing his shirt and kicking the thug into the trash. "Dark, help," Keir screamed with a gun pointed against his back, but when Dark looked over, they were too late. A loud bang echoed throughout the alleyway to the streets, and Dark fell to their knees, and Keir, lay there, lifeless.

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