Chapter 18: Released Memories

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"So Dark, did you manage to catch your father," Amair asks, expecting the answer, "No, I haven't, but I fear something greater," Dark stats, "And what may that be," Amair asks, "A collision, when, I do not know, may it be a calamity, or another thing is something my predictions can no longer reach," Dark said, "Well, you may have found something out, but the outside assassins found yet another group bunch of scientists, with their logo looking like a technological ghoul," Amair informed Dark, "Great, is there another group I should know besides the Reapers, the Creeds, and somehow the non-human Thanafers," Dark asks, "Besides the tale of the that raised in Chicago that involves a masked British male along with a few other people taking up the role for the Chicago assassins, back in 2021," Amair said, "There's nothing more," he adds, "Oh goodness," Dark cried.

As the group returned to the domain, Unknown and Bouk was left in a room where the flowers are while the other three is getting to know everyone "Hey, Bouk I always had a question," Unknown said, "How, why and what are you," Unknown adds, Bouk stared off at the well "I, actually don't know what I am. I am a cat, alien program and all, but originally before I was this I don't know," Bouk said, then the group started listening to the conversation then the well revealed all to Bouk and Unknown.

Before Dark's existence
A Bouk-like figure descended from the sky to a group of other deities, "Ah, Jashin, finally," Crystal said, "Oh shush, Crystal the goddess of light, how are your chosen ones doing in Falling Alstrok," Jashin said, "At least we have chosen leaders, and a godly figure there," the male god of darkness said in the meeting, "Darkrow, we don't want to anger them," a cloaked goddess said, "I agree with Celestia," Crystal said, "Where are the others," Jashin asks, "Dealing with the same issue you had Jashin," Celestia responded, "Look, you want to see what happened with mines," Jashin snapped, "I am not a mad deity like those utter fools," Jashin adds, "You know what, let's see it," Darkrow said, then a floating video appeared in front of the four to show that the timelines had been diverging and started to become out of hand. Jashin descended from the sky in all black, with silver and blue accents, and eyes beaming red among the humans, "You humans, I shall present to you all, the punishment for messing with time, and doing such wicked crimes against the rules of your mere existence," Jashin echoed, and with the snap of their fingers, the whole universe, collapse.

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