Chapter 23: Final Break

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Phantom floated in the same room, but with so little smoke within, "Hey buddy, long time no see ever since you wanted to save your world, not that it is a bad thing, but hey, we can see each other again," Ice said, and Phantom smiled under their mask, "But, how's Unknown Frostlyon, I heard there was another so, there's that," Ice asks, and Phantom throws a thumbs up, "Good, I'll let you regain Phantom dash, again, don't lose now, alright Phantom," Ice said and Phantom nodded. 

Frostlyon sat in the smokeless room, "I wonder where the others are right now," Frostlyon stated,

"Our birthday," Dark mumbled, while waking up, standing up swiftly to see the robotic Thanafer looming over St. Louis, and busting out the window with the new and improved versions of themselves, Frostlyon was able to use his old elemental abilities and flew directly in the clouds to the Thanafer.
Dark floated in the air, "We will not fall to the likes of an overload of Thanafer yet again," Dark yelled violently "Distort," they yelled once more, splitting the body into the frozen domain system once more, Black Knight Bouk, Rebel Unknown, Sharp-shot Himari, Assassin Phantom, and Elemental king Frostlyon. Frostlyon flew straight for the thanafer wielding the fusion of all the weapons they all carry, and Frostlyon's eyes glows blue, with mechanical hands at the others who are dodging, eventually, they all got captured, "Dammit," Forstlyon thought, "I need them right now," he adds, "Restore," and Dark was the one who flew out the beaming light, and the past memories started to align, and their spark of hope lit the sword aflame, and all of the five crystals glow, brightening the darkest day, but Dark was captured and started to be crushed by the same hands that grabbed the others. The sun raised from the clouds, shining on the people who feared, or were unconscious, especially Allie, and Brad, Dark's eyes opened, and the crystals shined again, and a burst of energy erased the hands, to reveal the prophecy. a full mechanical suit, used to defeat the final battle, and Dark watched the next move of the mechanical deity, and it shot a laser towards Dark, but thanks to Frostlyon being in control, they blocked it, splitting the laser into two, and the spirits that everyone in the system had met, pushed Dark, "I, I will not be pushed back," They yelled slicing through the laser, exploding in the air, and Dark flew more towards the being, and more hands appeared, but Himari's drones shot them all. "Jason, this is our final fight together," Dark remembered, reaching to the being, with a burning blade, and cutting the torso clean in half, burning through the metal, and Dark's eyes glowed red in anger.

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