Chapter 3: The Thanafer

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As Dark ran into the ever-growing creatures they watched how to stop them, slashing the liquid balls out of the air, cutting them in half letting them dissipate into the air and so, Dark did just that. Still, the wandering creatures, Dark used the pistols hidden under their jacket to easily one-shot them, letting what remains to disperse, but the final creature was left. Smoke balls dropped from the sky and what seemed to be more assassins dropped what walked out of the fog was the council leader, "Hello, I am Amari, leader of St. Louis-" Amari cut off, "Leader of the St. Louis Creed, the technologically advanced but not really, I know," Dark stated, returning their weapons, "You are my leading councilman after all," Dark glared, "Who is this young assassin," Amari looked over to Dark's side, "They're me," the kid from earlier stated, "Isn't that right, Boukyaku Samui, the true Boukyaku Samui," the kid said again, glaring at Dark, "Look, I don't know what is going on," Dark said. The wind picked up, and the kid and Dark were about to test each other, but Dark knew the kid better than the kid, so the two of them withdrew their hidden blades, Dark pushed the kid's right arm to the side while having the point of his barely touching the neck, "You really are Keir," Amari stated, "I rather go by Dark, then that name," Dark said, "Besides, our parents were the last thing that held that name to me," Dark adds.

Dark was in the old hideout of the creed, and it was nothing more than a sewer for the night only, they stayed in the hideout till the creed could find them a place to stay, but Keir insisted to let his home Dark and so Dark hesitated on agreeing "Make yourself feel at home,  do know, I mostly live alone but the creed provides everything here from training to even furniture and food," Keir said "Thank you," Dark responded, "But do you have books regarding to those creatures," Dark asks, "They are over by the hallway," Keir stated.

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