Chapter 21: The 24 Hour After Sevasey First real Date Part 2

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POV: Kelly Benjamin-Christopher Severide-Herrmann

Once it was late I took Hero and Valor to my room and let them on my bed as I went to sleep. As I sleep I have a dream, about Andy only things that he died and isnt in the coma. I wake up to barking, Cruz and Otis at my door. Once I opened the door, they gave me a look.

Lieutenant Severide, are you okay? asked Oits

Valor and Hero were barking, we thought something bad happened. said Cruz

Just a bad dream, they were trying to get me to wake me up. Im fine, go back to sleep. I said

Lieutenant, are you sure? asked Otis

Yes, now back to sleep. I said, as I closed my door and pulled the blanket my Mom made me over my head and fell back asleep. I feel Hero and Valor move on my bed.

After a bit of sleep I had another bad dream and I was screaming.

Bossy, where the Hell are you. Captain got hurt badly. I yelled, Hero and Valor barked and got off my bed and hit their paws on my door, but I didn't let them out.

Lance, get Detective. Mouse, give me the gauze. I yelled

Where is Bossy, I fucking need him. I yelled, the barking and stretching at my door stopped.

POV: Mouch

While Im sleeping I felt someone get on my bed and started to like my face. I got up and saw that it was Hero, and Valor woke up Herrmann. We then get up and follow the boys.

Were, coming Lieutenant Hero and Lieutenant Valor. I said, as Valor took Herrmann out of the Buckroom and Hero took me to Kellys office. Once I get there I see Kelly moving in his sleep. He is most likely having a nightmare. Hero jumps on Kellys bed and I move my hand through Kellys hair. He is kind of awake at this time and throws me over him and I land against the wall and his bed. Otis and Cruz then came in looking worried.

Mouch, are you okay? asked Cruz

Hero, lick my Godsons face.-I signed and he started to lick his face.

I know Valor, stop pulling me or I'm going to spill it all over you. said Herrmann as he came in.

What is going on? asked Otis

Severide is having a bad dream. I said, holding my head

Did he throw you over him in his sleep?-signed Herrmann laughing

Yes, now help wake him up. I said, as Herrmann moved closer and moved his fingers through Kellys hair, but he didnt wake up instead he screamed again, this time Herrmann and I went pail white, knowing that it was about Tristan.

Trist, dont die, we have our whole future to live out. yelled Kelly

Come on Severide, please wake up. said Herrmann

Do you want us to do anything? asked Cruz

Go get Casey now. I said

Okay. said Otis

Baby come on please wake you. I need you. cried Herrmann

Trist, come on tell me about our boys, what would they be like. yelled Kelly

Kell come on please Baby Star my Baby Firefighter. said Herrmann as he cried, and moved his hand in Kellys hair, then grabbed Herrmanns finger and twisted it.

Shit, Kelly Baby, let go, Im not hurt you, it is Papa Chris. said Herrmann as he tried to get his finger out of Kellys hand. I go to help only to get punched.

Kell, let go, you are hurting Christopher. I said, and Kelly let go.

Papa Chris, what is going on? asked Kelly

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