Chapter 79: 51 Finally Finds Out Most of the Truth Part 3

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POV: Kelly Casey-Severide-Herrmann

Okay, I want to see Severides and Dardens adoption papers. said Donna

I want to see that you really adopted Andy. said Uncle Mouch

Give me a minute and I will show you Randy, why does Trudy believe me but not you. said Papa, as he got up and went off to mine and Andys room.

Because I can so see you doing that Christopher. said Aunt Trudy

Wait, does that mean that Im a Herrmann too? asked Drew

Yes and No Andrew. said Momma

What does that mean? asked Boden

It is like Matt his full name is Matthew James Casey-Severide, while Kellys is Kelly Benjamin-Christopher Casey-Severide-Herrmann. Yours is going to be Andrew Jonthan Darinaon-Darden, while mine is Andrew Marcus-Christopher Darinaon-Darden-Herrmann. said Andy and Papa came back with a binder, Andy and I laughed.

The Book of Severide-Herrmann and Darden-Herrmann. All the jokes, stories, broken things that brought us to Christopher Darden-Severide-Herrmann. Andy and I said

What did I say about calling me that boys? asked Papa

How many times have you called us the wrong nickname Christopher? Andy and I asked

Okay true Tigger and Tiger. Here you go guys, Kellys is right here and Andys is right here. said Papa as he flipped to my Adoption Certificate and then Andys Adoption Certificate.

The big fight didnt Chris go to Uncle Alexander and Uncle Gideon Lance for some help hiding something from everyone at 51 and the Jennings? asked Andy

Yes, the black eye and the broken finger. I said

You came to work with a black eye Lieutenant Herrmann? asked Mikami

Yep, Micheal got what he had coming to him. said Papa

What did he do for that to happen? asked Boden

He hurt Kelly and Andy. said Papa

Yes, and you did make it a little Worse Christopher. I said

Why do you call him Papa, but switch to Chris, Christopher, Papa Chris and Papi? asked Donna and I laughed and laid my head on Matts chest.

He gets called other things too. Also because he told me to call him Christopher when I was five and I never stopped calling him that. I just do it, I also call him Papa, Papi, Padre and Human. I said and my Family and the Reagans started to laugh

Sevy, stop with the joke, it as got back to the Navy-Marine Base. said Christopher

Talk to Romanian Angel CO about that joke he started. I said

After you didnt tell he got Herrmann wrong. said Danny

True, but he loves it just as much as Step-Stanley likes it when Steve, Danno, Charlie and Grace call him Step-Stan and we call him Step-Stanley. I said

Daniel, he isnt wrong there. I find it really funny. said Chris

I hate it, it has gotten to the Army too. I have to tell everyone it is Herrmann not Human. said Uncle Dev and Other Christopher said something to him.

Come on Sergeant Major Human isnt that bad Baby. I think it is cute. said Other Christopher in his Italian accent and Uncle Dev kissed him.

Okay, that really is hot when you say it like that. said Uncle Dev

All it takes is a guy with a different accent and you like it. said Andy

Gabriel, called me that and I couldnt tell him he got it wrong. I said

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