Chapter 165: Sevasey's Children's Dance Recital Part 7

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POV: Arrow Jones

Once Doctor Harkness passed out I took the flowers to the other side and got the water that my friend Gavin gave him. I then dumped it on him and he shook the water out of his hair.

Doctor Harkness, you finally got it long. I said

I know, but I have to cut on Wednesday. said Doctor Harkness

Can we do it before you cut it? asked Ella

Sure, you may come over on Tuesday. Yes all of you guys can and Casey, is going to let it because it means my hair will be short again after it. said Doctor Harkness

Wait, you cant have flowers? asked Kate

I can only have Amaryllis, Lilies, Roses, Calla lily and Stargazer Lily. said Doctor Harkness

Dont worry Mrs. Ann, we got the flowers. said all of Doctor Harkness Past and Current Dance Students and Doctor Harkness looked up at us.

No way you got that big idea, you guys have been working on it since I started here. said Doctor Harkness and we all just started to laugh.

No, we got River, to take your house key and make a copy of it one day. said Archer

So thats what happened to that key. Matt wont talk to for two months. said Doctor Harkness

Sorry I meant to give it back. said River as she pulled the key out.

You owe me something, River Pond. said Doctor Harkness

Anything The Pumpkin King. said River as she bowed to Doctor Harkness.

Okay anyways that is the end of the show. You can pick your children up from the side. said Mrs. Ann, as Doctor Harkness Adopted Dad came up and picked him up.

How can he still pick you up, Remy is behind me. said is Nonno

Because he is Papa Remy. said Doctor Harkness as his Adopted Dad put him down

Next time a warning would be nice. said Doctor Harkness Adopted Dad

You did the same thing too Nonno. I just finally got you back for it Dad. said Doctor Harkness

Oh now you are getting it Remy Angel. said Doctor Harkness Adopted Dad

Only if you can find me Dad. said Doctor Harkness and all of his Dance Students helped him out. We then got His Zero and we ran out the curtains.

I have to change, also can I have a pencil. Doctor Harkness as His Zero gave him one.

After Church Jack, we are getting that checked out. said His Zero

Please, one second I have to change. said Doctor Harkness and he came out a few minutes later in his Squad 3 shirt. We then all got a photo as some of us were holding his Sevasey Dancers. We then run off again and go outside.

Honey, you were so good up there oh and dont tell Jamie I told you this. He peed his pants when you came out. said His Zero

Thanks Dear and Im so going to keep that in mind. Did Jett? asked Doctor Harkness

He screamed, shit and peed his pants. said His Zero

Im so going to use that in My Best Man Speech. said Doctor Harkness

Dad, I found him. said one of Doctor Harkness Siblings

Jack-Jack, run Annabella, LH, Mark and KJ can only hold him back for so long. said His Oggie Boogie and Doctor Harkness signed something way too fast.

POV: Christopher Herrmann

Once Andy, Annabelle, Lee Henry, Mark and Kenny James let go of me I got the wind knocked out of me and I was on the ground with Kelly under me.

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