Chapter 150: Billy's Triplets and Wedding Part 1

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Order of Photos: Zack Charles-Gerwitz, Billy Casey-Severide-Zvonecek, Brian-Kelly Casey-Severide-Zvonecek, Harley-Ramona Casey-Severide-Zvonecek, Samuel Lucus-Zachary, Sophia Samara-Courtney and Sebastian Christian-Kyle Severide-Zvonecek-Charles-Gerwitz.

POV: Billy Casey-Severide-Zvonecek

After Daideo Void leaves I go to sleep, I sleep for an hour before my triplets start kicking me. I wake up and check on my twins Harley-Ramona and Brian-Kelly. They are both asleep so I walked into my bathroom, I went pee and I then started a bath. Once it is filled I take off my clothes and get in. It calms my Babies down and I start to fall asleep. A little bit later Papa wakes me up and tells me to go back into my bed.

Baby, lets get you into your bed. said Papa as he got out.

Can you help me get dressed? I asked

Sure Baby, by the way Void did tell us about the bras. said Papa as he got my clean underwear and pants on. He then put a loose shirt on me and picked me up. Once I was in my bed, I looked around. I dont know if its because Im pregnant but I hate my room.

Papa, can we redo my room? I hate it. I asked and said

Sure Baby, or do you want Kidias old room? said and asked Papa

I like mine, but I want it to be bigger and have a pouch. I said

Okay, why dont we take the wall out between your room, Kidias twins room or we give you Kenny James room. I know he likes yours. said Papa

Okay, I would like that. I said and I saw it was 6:24

Hey Annabelle, are you with Kenny James? asked Papa

Yes, he can hear you. Our whole family can. Also Dad told us. said Aunt Belle

Kenny James do you still want my room? I asked

Yes, but I dont want to kick you out. said Uncle Kenny James

Uncle Kenny James, Im going to take your room and you get mine. I said

Really! yelled Uncle Kenny James

Yes, why dont you come over today and we can move our things. I said

Can we Dad? asked Uncle Kenny James

Sure KJ. said Nonno and I got up to start packing my things.

We will see you soon. said Papa as he came over and helped.

Once we get most of my things packed the doorbell goes off and Papa and I get the door.

Hey Uncle Kenny James, ready to switch rooms? I asked and he just hugged me.

Im Billy and I promise to take good care of it. said Uncle Kenny James

I know you will, Uncle KJ. I said as I kissed his head and he ran off to his old room.

Hey Bub, how are you feeling? asked Nonno

Okay, I fell asleep in my bathtub. I said

Your Nonna did that too. said Nonno as we got to my old room and he took my twins.

Papa, what are we going to do with that room? I asked

Put a wall up where the door is and run it into a playroom for the children. said Papi as he gave me some food and Apple Juice.

Good thing about Uncle KJs Room is that it is on the same side as Kidias childrens old rooms. So her twins room can be mine, but I want the same Design I have in mine. Also Nathans can be my Triblets room. I said and Papa showed me a drawing and I saw that it was my triplets room. It was beautiful. I hugged Papa and he hugged back.

Kelly Severide's Adopted Family Book 1Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin